Where to Start Reading the Sengoku Youko Manga after the Anime

Where to Start Reading the Sengoku Youko Manga after the Anime? Shinsuke

Where to Start Reading the Sengoku Youko Manga after the Anime? Shinsuke

In the final episode, Tama sets out on a quest to find Jinka by herself. Before the second part starts in July, Tama's adventures after the anime will resume in the Sengoku Youko manga.

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How Much of Sengoku Youko Did the Anime Cover?

What started as a fun and lighthearted adventure comedy anime ended up becoming serious and heavier to process than other anime of the same genre.

The first part of Sengoku Youko introduced the viewers to the surrogate siblings, the fox spirit Tama and the ascetic sage Jinka, who are on a mission to reform the world.

They are traveling together as siblings for world reformation but Jinka thinks otherwise.

Unlike Tama who has a soft spot for humans, Jinka is kinder to otherworldly creatures called katawaras.

As the plot unfolds, Jinka starts opening his heart to humans despite his initial reluctance.

sengoku youko manga after the anime tama
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Along the way, Tama and Jinka cross paths not only with the warrior on a pilgrimage, Shinsuke Hyoudou, but also with the spiritually enhanced human Shakugan.

Together, they embark on a quest to stop the Dangaishu, an order of warrior monks who have cultivated spiritual power to fight katawara.

The Dangaishu is headed by Yazen who initially bought Shakugan from her father to enhance her in his laboratory.

He is a strong leader capable of undoing Jinka’s spirit transformation, and he’s also surrounded by powerful fighters known as the four beast leaders.

ALSO READ: Sengoku Youko Manga Ending Explained: What Happened in Chapter 99?

Where to Start Reading the Sengoku Youko Manga after the Anime

sengoku youko manga after the anime jinka
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Sengoku Youko's first 13 episodes covered the first part of Satoshi Mizukami's manga series which included chapters 1 through 35.

So, before part 2 comes out in July 2024, fans can start reading the Sengoku Youko manga with chapter 36, The Night Parade of One Thousand Demons, which continues where the final episode left off.

Instead of Jinka and Tama, readers will see Senya, who is unaware of his own identity or the events that have occurred. He doesn't even remember Shinsuke, who would accompany him on his new journey.

You can alternatively start with chapter 35.5, Demon Fox, Little Song, which depicts Jinka and Tama's first meeting.

What are you looking forward to the most in Sengoku Youko part 2? Share your thoughts in the comments below!