Vincent D'Onofrio Shares Disappointing Update on Kingpin's Potential Spider-Man Appearances

Vincent D'Onofrio as Kingpin in Echo
Credit: Marvel Studios

Vincent D'Onofrio as Kingpin in Echo
Credit: Marvel Studios

Vincent D'Onofrio recently opened up about Kingpin's potential appearance in Sony's Spider-Man Universe franchise.

The fan-favorite villain has become a recurring presence again in the MCU since returning in the final episode of Hawkeye. He is set to appear next in the upcoming series Daredevil: Born Again.

One of the questions that fans have regarding Kingpin's future is his potential appearance in Tom Holland's Spider-Man 4 and Sony's Spider-Verse films since the character is also part of the web-slinger's rogues' gallery.

Will We See Kingpin Appear in Sony's Spider-Man Universe?

Vincent D'Onofrio as Kingpin in Echo.
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Credit: Marvel Studios

In a recent convention appearance, D'Onofrio was asked whether we will see Kingpin show up in Sony's Spider-Man Universe.

He revealed that he is uncertain about his character's potential appearance in the Sony franchise due to complicated rights issues.

"I'm going to transparently say this: You know the whole Marvel-Sony thing, right? So there are characters — Marvel characters invented by Marvel — that are caught in between Marvel and Sony," the actor explained.

"And so it takes a long time for them to figure out who is doing what. I just never know where [Kingpin can show up]. My character is in that kind of situation, unlike Charlie [Cox]'s. So I don't know, it's part of the deal when it comes to playing Kingpin."

For the past several months, there have been rumors that D'Onofrio will appear as Kingpin in Holland's Spider-Man 4, but Marvel Studios and Sony remain mum on the report and this likely explains why.

What may add to the confusion is that D'Onofrio is also voicing Kingpin in Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, which is a Marvel Studios production since they have the animated TV rights for the Spider-Man library.

Given how complicated the situation is, fans should lower their expectation regarding Kingpin's potential appearance in Spider-Man 4 as the studios have to figure out the legalities of using the character in that context.

There's no doubt that fans would love to see the two characters cross paths in live-action and, hopefully, it will happen very soon and Marvel and Sony will find a way to make it into a reality.

What do you think of D'Onofrio's remarks? Let us know in the comments!

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