Jaimie Alexander Expresses Interest to Star in Lady Sif Spinoff Series

Jaimie Alexander as Lady Sif in Thor: The Dark World
Credit: Marvel Studios

Jaimie Alexander as Lady Sif in Thor: The Dark World
Credit: Marvel Studios

Jaimie Alexander expressed her interest in reprising her iconic role of Lady Sif in a potential spinoff series.

The actress made her most recent MCU appearance as the fan-favorite character in Thor: Love and Thunder. However, she only had a small screen time compared to the previous films where she was a prominent supporting player.

Fans have been wondering whether Marvel Studios has more plans in store for Lady Sif in the future and expand more of the character as she hasn't been given a major spotlight in the last few years.

Jaimie Alexander Has an Idea for Lady Sif Spinoff Series

Jaimie Alexander as Lady Sif in Thor: Love and Thunder
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Credit: Marvel Studios

In a recent convention appearance, Alexander revealed that she is open to starring in a Lady Sif spinoff series and pitched an idea where her character teams up with Beta Ray Bill.

"This is something my team and I have explored a little bit, my team and I have pitched a show with Lady Sif and Beta Ray Bill," she said.

The Thor star also addressed her potential MCU return in the upcoming Avengers movies. While she didn't confirm her involvement, she stated that she is open to continue playing the character for many more years.

"This character is probably one of the most favorite characters I’ve ever played, and it means so much to me... and I will keep playing her until I can’t anymore," Alexander said.

A lot of fans would be happy to see more of Lady Sif in the MCU given how beloved the character is in the earlier Thor films and there's still a lot more potential with her as they barely explored her full capabilities as an Asgardian warrior.

While a spinoff series is a promising idea, it is unlikely that Marvel Studios will develop it anytime soon as they are more focused right now on other TV projects that they are prioritizing amid their plans to lessen their output.

Hopefully, we'll get to hear more details about Lady Sif's return soon since her Love and Thunder appearance was too brief, and they'll be able to give her a full arc that satisfies long-time fans who have followed her journey.

Do you want to see Lady Sif get her own spinoff series? Let us know in the comments!

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