Will Peter Quill Return to the Guardians?

Will Peter Quill Return to the Guardians
Credit: Marvel

Will Peter Quill Return to the Guardians
Credit: Marvel

Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 ends on a bittersweet note with some characters leaving the Guardians to pursue personal growth. But is this goodbye forever? Or will Peter Quill return to the Guardians?

Warning: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 spoilers below!

Why Did Peter Quill Leave the Guardians?

Why Did Peter Quill Leave the Guardians
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Credit: Marvel

Guardians of the Galaxy 3 is a tough one for Peter Quill. Not only does his friend Rocket almost die, but he must also deal with the grief of losing Gamora and accept that the version of her who is still around doesn't know him.

Moreover, having found out his father's evil plans in Volume 2, he knows that his grandfather on Earth is his only possibly living relative.

Despite that, he's in denial about the possibility of visiting Earth, as he's too afraid of dealing with what, if anything, waits for him there.

After the adventures of Volume 3, Rocket survives but the Guardians can no longer be the exact same.

Mantis sets out on her own journey to learn about herself and her own wishes, and Quill is finally ready to take the next step towards accepting that the current Gamora isn't the person he knew.

He's finally ready to go home and deal with anything he might find there.

Fortunately for him, his 90+-year-old grandfather is still around and excited to see him.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 Post Credit Scene Explained

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 Post Credit Scene Explained
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Credit: Marvel

This time, our post-credit scene doesn't really help us understand what Quill will do next.

We only see him in an everyday scene with his grandfather, talking about moaning the lawn, which suggests they now have a routine together.

But in typical Marvel fashion, we do get a title card that reads "The Legendary Star-Lord Will Return."

Will The Star Lord Return?

Will The Star Lord Return
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Credit: Marvel

Marvel post-credit scenes don't lie, so we assume that Peter Quill, also known as the Star Lord, will appear in a subsequent movie. However, it's too early to tell if he'll once again be the main character or if the other Guardians will join.

Director James Gunn has been clear about his intention to only make three Guardians of the Galaxy movies. In a 2022 interview, the director said:

"This is the end for us, the last time people will see this team of Guardians. It’s big; it’s so, so big and dark, and different from what people might be expecting it to be."

The above suggests that a Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 4 with the same director and team is quite unlikely.

That being said, we can definitely see Quill returning to the MCU in some other way.

It has been theorized that if, for instance, MCU adapted the Nova -- which has been in their plans for some time -- this is one case in which the Star Lord could make an appearance.

RELATED: Is Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Worth Watching?