Of all the names in the world, why is Omni-Man's Thraxan baby named "Oliver" in Invincible season 2 episode 6? Well, here's what was revealed about Debbie Grayson's choice.
CONTENT SPOILERS: This article contains spoilers for Invincible, so proceed with caution.
Why is the Thraxan Baby Named Oliver in Invincible Season 2?

Mark Grayson aka Invincible has been spending most of his time in outer space, which is how he found out that his dad, Omni-Man, raised a different family on planet Thraxa.
With Omni-Man being hunted down by the Viltrumites for failing his mission, he gets imprisoned and sentenced to execution. This leaves his Thraxan family vulnerable on their home planet.
Considering that Thraxans normally grow faster than humans, Omni-Man's Thraxan wife tells Mark to raise their son on Earth, instead.
While Cecil wants to take the alien baby under government watch, Mark and his mother Debbie insist they have the baby under their care.
Now, in Invincible season 2 episode 6 titled It's Not That Simple, Mark comes home and is surprised to learn that Debbie named the baby Oliver.
The answer behind choosing Oliver for the Thraxan baby comes from Mark when he asks his mother, "You named him after Grandpa?"
Debbie answers, "Well, he needed an actual name besides Nolan's Alien Baby."
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Debbie Grayson Breaks Thraxan Traditions By Naming Omni-Man's Son

The people of Thraxan grow faster than the time that humans do, which explains why Omni-Man's other wife insists that Mark should take his half-brother home on Earth.
However, another keen difference in Thraxa's tradition and culture is that they usually don't name their infants until they grow up at a certain age to choose it themselves.
Since Oliver Grayson is half-Thraxan and half-Viltrumite and is being raised by humans, Debbie's choice to give him a name makes him a part of their family. Not to mention, right after Mark's own grandfather.
While fans still find it strange to see Debbie willingly raising her husband's other son under her own roof, Debbie tells Cecil she is also doing it for Mark, since Oliver is his one and only brother.
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Meanwhile, Invincible season 2 episode 7 comes out on Prime Video on March 28.
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