How does Allen the Alien survive in Invincible season 2 episode 5? He wasn't looking too good the last time we saw him, so what gives? Is he really back? Here's what happened.
CONTENT SPOILERS: This article contains spoilers for Invincible season 2, so proceed with caution.
What Happened to Allen the Alien Last Time?

Allen the Alien (voiced by Seth Rogen) faced a couple of Viltrumites after he confirmed that Omni-Man mysteriously left Earth.
Considering that Viltrumites do not normally abandon their posts without conquering the planet, Omni-Man's case was abnormal to his race.
Because of this, the Viltrumites targeted his son, Mark Grayson aka Invincible, to take his place.
Once the Viltrumites find out about this, Allen the Alien gets beat up in outer space without so much as a warning. The Viltrumites were seeking Invincible's whereabouts, after all.
Ultimately, Allen was left hanging in the air with his single eyeball squashed. He was later on taken to an incubator to recover. That is until Thaedus pulled the plug on his life support.
But now that Invincible season 2 episode 5 arrived, it's shocking to see Allen come back to life despite what happened. So, what gives?
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How Does Allen the Alien Survive in Invincible Season 2?

Allen the alien wakes up in the powered-down incubator, where we saw him last time. He manages to get out of it, if anything, in a "larger and ripper shape".
Remember when Thaedus pulled the plug on his life support at the time? Well, as it turns out, he intentionally did it to make Allen stronger.
"I knew, without [the incubator], you would either die or recover stronger than before," Thaedus explains, "I'm sorry I gambled with your life, but it has paid off."
It is worth mentioning that Allen's survival was also thanks to his DNA as part of the Unopan breeding camp, where they strived to be stronger than Viltrumites.
This also happens to be the episode that which Thaedus revealed himself to be one of the Viltrumites, as well. Except that he doesn't plan on conquering any planet — if anything, Thaedus is the first Viltrumite rebel who plans on putting a stop to their race's mission.
With Allen the Alien now alive and kicking, he's got a new assignment: bring Invincible to their side to help them.
In the meantime, Invincible season 2 episode 5 titled This Must Come As A Shock is now available to stream on Amazon Prime Video.
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