The comedy slice-of-life anime Onimai: I'm Now Your Sister! premiered recently on Crunchyroll. Though fans noticed that the Onimai anime is censored in the Crunchyroll release.
Specifically, fans on Twitter and Reddit noted that the international version of the show featured cut scenes as well as edited parts compared to the original Japanese broadcast version, prompting complaints from fans.
Onimai Fans Spot Censorship
When it comes to anime censorship, it is mainly ecchi shows that are affected.
While Onimai does have some questionable moments along with fanservice, it’s not really considered an ecchi show as it's more of a slice-of-life anime. This makes the apparent censorship unexpected.
Its story follows Mahiro Oyama, an eroge-loving otaku who finds himself turned into a girl.
It turns out that his scientist sister, Mihari Oyama, was at fault as her latest experiment made Mahiro a young middle school girl.
Thus, Mahiro must adjust to his new life and make friends at middle school, all while not being able to play his favorite game.
Shortly after the first episode’s release, fans took to social media sites like Twitter to complain about the censorship of some scenes.
Specifically, it seems that several parts of the episode have cut voices. There are also reports about some scenes turning from animation to still frames.
Given how many anime fans are against censorship, this has resulted in lots of discussions online.
As expected, many fans are hoping to see the original version of the anime get released.
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Onimai: I'm Now Your Sister! Official Censorship Statement
Despite the various reports and complaints, Crunchyroll has yet to release a statement regarding the censorship in the first episode.
Though in the episode’s Reddit discussion thread, a fan mentioned that it’s not only Crunchyroll that censors Onimai.
It turns out that other streaming platforms such as Bahamut Anime Crazy in Taiwan are also streaming the censored version.
This was confirmed by a recent statement from Bahamut Anime Crazy that explains the situation.
What happened was streaming services outside Japan have only received a censored cut instead of the Japanese broadcast version.
Right now, it remains to be seen if the original Japanese version will be released on international streaming sites.
Though it’s possible that the episode will be re-uploaded into the non-censored version.
After all, Crunchyroll updated its Chainsaw Man English subs after fans complained about a change in the Future Devil's crucial line.
In the meantime, you can watch the current cut of Onimai: I'm Now Your Sister! on Crunchyroll.
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