All Star Wars Rebels References in Ahsoka Series

All Star Wars Rebels References in Ahsoka
Credit: Disney/ Lucasfilm

All Star Wars Rebels References in Ahsoka
Credit: Disney/ Lucasfilm

There's virtually no Star Wars show with no Easter Eggs, but Ahsoka almost feels like a direct Rebels sequel. Here are all Star Wars Rebels references in Ahsoka:

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  1. Ahsoka is Full of Rebels Characters

    Ahsoka is considered a sequel to the Rebels animated show, for good reason.

    Main characters Sabine Wren and Hera Dyndulla are back, making Ahsoka a decidedly female character-driven show and not just because of the protagonist.

    It seems like Sabine and Ahsoka have an interesting history which we'll hopefully see more of soon.

    RELATED: Is Sabine Force Sensitive?

  2. We Even See Sabine's Ghost Crew Mural

    The epilogue of Rebels shows that Sabine -- a known graffiti artist -- has completed a mural of the ghost crew.

    The amazing artwork includes her and Hera, the late Kanan, the missing Ezra, and Zeb, who has left to be with his own people, as well as Chopper.

    Seeing it again in Ahsoka feels very emotional.

  3. Lothal (and Lothcats)!

    If you didn't exactly warm up to Lothcats in Rebels, their live-action version will make cat lovers wish they had their own!

    Sabine's Lothcat is just adorable!

    More importantly, we get to see Lothal, Ezra's home planet, which was introduced in Rebels.

  4. The Most Annoying Droid Is Back

    Whether you hate him, love him, or love to hate him, you can't help being glad that Chopper is back!

    Hera's favorite droid is annoying, self-serving, and slightly evil if such a thing can be said about a robot.

    Fans half-jokingly refer to Chopper's war criminal status as he has one of the highest kill count in Star Wars -- and Ahsoka might actually have him continue.

    RELATED: What is Ahsoka Tano's Kill Count?

  5. Ezra's Message

    Ezra's message to his Ghost family is one of the most moving elements of Rebels finale and it looks like Sabine has been rewatching it a lot.

    This recreation serves as a first glimpse into Ezra's live-action version (portrayed by Eman Esfandi).

    So far, we've seen no other footage of him, and he's presumably at another Galaxy.

  6. One of the Most Chilling Star Wars Villains

    There's a reason why Rebels chose to adapt a villain from the Star Wars expanded universe.

    Thrawn is one of the most intelligent, competent, and, therefore, scary villains in Star Wars.

    He isn't physically present in Ahsoka's premiere, but his shadow is looming over her and she works hard to make sure that he won't return.

    With Palpatine gone, many dark side users hail Thrawn as heir to the Empire and his being stranded in another Galaxy isn't going to stop him easily.

  7. Minor Recurring Character Cameos

    Some minor characters from Rebels also made cameos in Ahsoka.

    These are Jai Kell, one of Ezra's friends from the time he infiltrated a stormtrooper training facility. He is now a Senator in Lothal.

    Ahsoka also reintroduces the beloved governor of Lothal, Ryder Azadi, portrayed by Clancy Brown who voiced the character in the animated series.

  8. Hera Piloting the Phantom

    So far, Ahsoka has no scenes with the Ghost, Hera's ship, but we do see her piloting the Phantom, a smaller shuttle that is part of her iconic ship.

    Seeing Hera doing rebel stuff once again is enough to feel nostalgic.

  9. Ahsoka Recreates Rebels' Epilogue

    Ahsoka is almost considered as Rebels Season 5 and, as such, it recreates one of the final scenes of Season 4's epilogue.

    In it, Sabine, who now sports a short purple haircut, prepares to go look for Ezra along with Ahsoka.

    Ahsoka fills in some gaps, showing that Sabine didn't reach this point easily.

  10. Mon Mothma's Relationship With Ghost's Rebels

    Mon Mothma's cameo can hardly be considered a Rebels reference since she's been in more Star Wars movies and shows than more characters.

    But Rebels is still one of the shows in which she's appeared. Her Episode 3 cameo shows her pre-existing relationship with Hera Syndulla.

    When Hera asks the Senatros' help in tackling the threat of Thrawn's return, Mothma, now a Chancellor, is sympathetic to the cause but ultimately fails to convince her colleague to provide aid.

  11. Jacen Syndulla

    The epilogue of Star Wars Rebels provided a brief glimpse of Jacen, Hera's son with her late partner, Kanan Jarrus.

    Ahsoka confirms that Jacen Syndulla is doing well, making mischief with Chopper on his mom's ship.

    Moreover, he wants to be a Jedi, like his father!

  12. The Purrgil Return

    In Ahsoka episode 3, Ahsoka and Sabine are attacked by Shin Hati and her master Baylan Skoll, and their accomplices.

    They escape by going through some Purrgil -- the very creatures that carried Ezra and Thrawn to hyperspace.

    The pair survives the encounter but Sabine is a bit upset, as she hasn't seen Purrgil since Ezra disappeared.

  13. Ahsoka's White Cloak

    In the epilogue of Rebels, when Ahsoka and Sabine set out to find Ezra Bridger, the former is dressed in white.

    Fans noted that she's mostly wearing grey in her show, but, in Episode 5, she goes back to wearing a white cloak.

  14. The World Between Worlds

    Ahsoka Episode 4 drops the titular character into the World Between Worlds where she meets Anakin and comes to terms with her past.

    In Episode 5, she goes through some flashbacks before finally facing Anakin's darkest form and emerging victorious -- but without killing him.

    The World Between Worlds is a very important place for Ahsoka. In Rebels, Ezra saves her from a fight with Darth Vader using one of the doors in the World Between Worlds.

    It's fitting that Ahsoka made peace with Anakin in the same location.

  15. Kanan Jarrus References

    Kanan is long-dead in Ahsoka but his picture can be seen in the Ghost.

    What is more, his son takes after him! After Jacen is revealed to be Force-sensitive in Episode 5, Huyang mentions the boy's father, explaining that he was also a Jedi.

  16. Ezra Bridger is Back!

    After a lot of misadventures, Sabine finally reunites with Ezra. It seems that he has kept his knack for communicating with different creatures, as he lives with a group of nomadic beings.

    Seeing them together is bittersweet. They haven't changed much, but they have both lost too much.

  17. Thrawn's Forces

    Thrawn was mentioned often throughout the first five episodes but nothing was more chilling than seeing him once again, with his ship and a significant part of his forces.

    It's a miracle (of the bad sort) that he managed to keep so many of his troops alive and ready to reestablish the empire.

    Plus, he's as creepily polite and observant as ever.

  18. Ezra and Ahsoka's Bond

    Ahsoka and Ezra had a special bond, being some of the last living Jedi in the galaxy.

    Finally, Episode 7 has them reunite and join forces once more.

  19. Leia's Relationship with the Ghost Crew

    Leia might not appear in Ahsoka but it's clear that Hera and crew can pull favors with her.

    The reason why might be found in Rebels. One episode shows the Ghost crew on a mission where they collaborate with Leia -- who was a teenager at the time.

    This may not be the only reason why Leia covers for Hera, but it might have played a role.

  20. Kanan's Lightsaber

    When Ezra finally gets reunited with Sabine and Ahsoka, he meets Huyang who was teaching the padawan in the Jedi temple back in the day.

    Ezra learns that Huyang taught Kanan how to make a lightsaber and he finally gets to hear about his master from someone who knew him well.

    Huyang gives Ezra the lightsaber base that Kanan used to have, so Ezra now wields a new lightsaber that has something of his master in it.

  21. Stealing Stormtrooper Armor

    Stealing stormtroopers' armor to infiltrate their ranks was a bit of a motif in Rebels.

    In Ahsoka's finale, Ezra gets to practice his old specialty to escape Peridea and get home.

  22. Rebels Finale in Reverse

    While Rebels concludes with Thrawn's removal from the galaxy -- with Ezra tragically having to go along.

    In the finale of Ahsoka, Ezra fails to prevent Thrawn's return so he goes along dressed as a stormtrooper to warn everyone.

    Meanwhile, Ahsoka and Sabine who had set out to find Ezra in the first place get stranded in Peridea.

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