The Boys Season 3 Finale Spoilers, News & Update: What Do Butcher and Homelander Have in Common Aside From Their Powers?

Credit: TV Guide/YouTube

Credit: TV Guide/YouTube

[Warning: Spoilers ahead for The Boys Season 3.]

The Boys Season 3 finale has aired without a hint of remorse for viewers beleaguered by trauma. Weirdly, fans of the superhero satire enjoy the terrorizing ride. It’s like a collective wailing of Daniel Johns’ “C'mon, abuse me more I like it.” It’s like a death drive – Freud would be rolling in his grave.

But it’s over now, and the excruciating waiting game for Season 4 begins. Such is the pain that the only type of therapy that works right now is rewatching the show and maybe noticing something new point. Like, this is not really surprising but a super cool common denominator between Karl Urban and Antony Starr.

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Billy Butcher and Homelander in The Boys Season 3

To eliminate all supes is the only thing that matters to Urban's character, Butcher, a ruthless vigilante. Butcher has personal motivations. Because Homelander abducted Butcher's wife, Becca, he was forced to form his own super hunting team, The Boys.

Homelander, the egomaniacal captain of the superhero group The Seven, is portrayed by Starr. Homelander thinks his superpowers make him superior to everyone and has been corrupted by delusions of unrestrained power. Additionally, he has no qualms about attacking anyone who stands in his way, including The Boys, Vought management, and even other superheroes.

What Karl Urban and Antony Starr Have in Common

Although they are on-screen rivals, Urban and Starr have a lot in common in real life. For one thing, they are both from New Zealand.

“It’s funny, because Karl Urban is a Kiwi as well,” Starr told The Spinoff in 2020. “We’ve got an American show with a Kiwi playing an all-American hero psychopath and another Kiwi playing an Englishman. It’s a pretty bizarre mix-up.”

It's amusing that the show's all-American, hyper-nationalistic antagonist is played by a New Zealander. And it's a fact that Starr seems to enjoy.

Even after playing Homelander for a while, Starr acknowledged in the same interview that he (understandably) has no sympathy towards his character.

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“I definitely think he’s a corporate creation,” Starr said of Homelander. He continued: “I don’t know that he has any redeemable qualities.”

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The Boys Season 3 Finale

Although Butcher and Homelander may be close friends off-screen, their relationship on-screen is scorching hot. In season 3, Butcher's temporary superpowers helped level the playing field somewhat. They had more violent and bloody battle scenes than before as a result.

Butcher, Soldier Boy, Maeve, Kimiko, and Homelander squared off in an epic final fight in The Boys Season 3 finale. The finale's huge cliffhanger involving Homelander's son Ryan gave viewers a preview of what to expect in Season 4.

Throughout the season, the use of temporary Compound V created a moral quandary for the rest of the crew. They perceived Hughie and Butcher dosing themselves with transitory Compound V as a betrayal of what The Boys stood for: putting an end to Vought and other supes. By the end of the season, Butcher has virtually transformed into the same thing he pledged to destroy: a superhero. His abilities, though, are brief.

The Boys Season 3 finale is now available on Prime Video.

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