Suicide Squad Overtakes Guardians of the Galaxy Despite Big Ticket Sales Drop

Critics have not made their feelings about Suicide Squad a secret. From the bad romance between Joker and Harley to the marketing of bad heathens that actually had too much heart—Suicide Squad is following in the footsteps of the earlier movie, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

However, even with early negative reviews, Box Office figures have defied logic once more. Accounting for worldwide opening ticket sales, Suicide Squad has now raked in over US$260 million for its opening weekend alone.

Interestingly, things didn't all look positive for the movie. According to The Wall Street Journal, there was quite a big dip in Saturday's ticket sales. The revenue drop in one day from Friday to Saturday was recorded at 41%.

Still, that opening weekend did it some good, as it managed to push Suicide Squad in front of Guardians of the Galaxy, which debuted at only US$94.3 million.

What's more interesting is how Suicide Squad really seems to be following in the footsteps of Batman v Superman. The Hollywood Reporter stated that the earlier movie had also experienced a major drop in ticket sales the following Saturday by 38%. This isn't surprising, considering that both movies suffered painful jabs from harsh reviews.

Perhaps Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn wasn't enough to sell the movie to everyone. Still, Warner Bros. is reportedly still happy with the weekend launch for Suicide Squad.

Now the question remains—is this satisfaction enough to warrant a sequel? If we're talking similar treatment, I think I'm going for a nay vote on this one. The marketing team had done a bang-up job of selling us the "bad vs. evil" storyline, but the movie failed to deliver in that territory. Now if that's where the sequel will take us, then maybe that's a start.

Read:Doctor Strange villain talks about his role in the movie.

This Justice League trailer was redone Fallout 4 style.

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