The Ones Who Live: What is Rick's Prosthetic Hand Replaced With in the Finale?

rick prosthetic hand replacement
Credit: Skybound Entertainment | Valhalla Entertainment | Circle of Confusion | AMC Studios

rick prosthetic hand replacement
Credit: Skybound Entertainment | Valhalla Entertainment | Circle of Confusion | AMC Studios

The Ones Who Live saw to it that Rick Grimes lost his hand to the CRM when he attempted to escape their system. However, the finale ensured Rick's symbolic ending with his own prosthetic hand replacement.

CONTENT SPOILERS: This article contains spoilers for The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live, so proceed with caution.

Rick Grimes Throws Away His Fake Hand in the Finale

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Credit: Skybound Entertainment | Valhalla Entertainment | Circle of Confusion | AMC Studios

Fans can well remember that one of the major changes Rick Grimes underwent in The Ones Who Live was when he had to cut his hand off. It was an attempt to escape the CRM and find his wife, Michonne.

Not only did his hand contain a tracking device, but it also happened to be cuffed by one of the CRM soldiers, which made it impossible to escape. On that day, he lost his hand and his dignity to them.

However, the finale of The Ones Who Live reminds The Walking Dead fans why Rick has always been unstoppable in his own way.

Rick and Michonne infiltrate the CRM base once more, considering that Portland is in danger of being their next bombing target. Upon returning, Rick surprises the CRM, specifically Pearl, by leaving his prosthetic hand behind.

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What Does Rick Replace His Prosthetic Hand With?

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Credit: Skybound Entertainment | Valhalla Entertainment | Circle of Confusion | AMC Studios

Though he lost his hand quite earlier in the original comics, it only made sense to utilize the prosthetic hand in the spinoff, where he had been cut off from his own family, from Michonne.

The finale of The Ones Who Live writes a different tone for Rick Grimes to gain his success and freedom.

Instead of using his prosthetic hand to survive like he did throughout the spinoff, he chooses to take it off himself. Consider the fake hand as the CRM.

Rick wants to move forward without any reminders about the CRM on himself. He lost his hand and gained the device under their instruction, it would only be right to detach himself physically from the group.

He and Michonne reunite with their children, the happy ending everyone's been waiting for. Rick feels safer and more relieved, even if it means they don't replace his hand with anything... for now.

READ NEXT: The Ones Who Live: Why Did Jadis Let Father Gabriel Escape?

All episodes of The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live season 1 are now available to stream on AMC.

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