Prince Harry, Meghan Markle Shock: Sussex Pair’s Kiss At Polo Match More Intimate Than Smooches Shared By Cambridges, Prince Charles, And Princess Diana, Royal Expert Claims

Credit: BBC News/YouTube Screenshot

Credit: BBC News/YouTube Screenshot

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have never shied away from showing their affection toward each other, even when they are out in public. In fact, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been photographed sharing a kiss on the lips on multiple occasions.

Just recently, body language expert Judi James compared the kisses shared by Prince Harry and Meghan Markle with the kisses shared by Prince William and Kate Middleton, as well as Prince Charles and Princess Diana during their polo matches.

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Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Very Affectionate Toward Each Other

While speaking with Express, James said that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s kiss are the most intimate among the other royal couples.

“Harry and Meghan’s very intimate polo kiss might appear to be the most passionate royal PDA in many years. Harry’s chest was puffed and Meghan’s torso was pressed into his side as the couple performed a lingering kiss on the mouth. Meghan’s head was thrown back and her neck was bared in a signal of romantic submission to her polo-playing husband,” James said.

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Prince Charles, Princess Diana’s Controversial Miss-Kiss Revisited

Years ago, Prince Charles and Princess Diana also surprised royal fans when they shared a kiss on the lips following the former’s polo match. The exes’ first polo match kiss took place in 1985 and this was followed by another sweet moment between the Prince and Princess of Wales in 1987 during the same sports event.

According to James, both occasions could’ve rivaled Prince Harry, and Markle’s polo match kiss. However, the public displays of affection between Prince Charles and Princess Diana didn’t last very long.

“Charles and Diana are mainly remembered for the shocking miss-kiss at the end of their marriage, when Diana rejected Charles by turning her head away. This left Charles planting his kiss in her hair. But in 1985 and 1987 they were also kissing on the lips with surprisingly passionate and rather intimate PDAs of their own, that could almost rival the kiss by Harry and Meghan. Diana would smile coyly as they kissed full on the lips and her head tilt looked loving. Charles was later leaning into their other kiss in a gesture of keenness and a hint of romantic passion,” James explained.

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Prince William Kissed Kate Middleton On The Cheek During Polo Match

Most recently, Prince William and Middleton engaged in a public display of affection after the former competed in a polo match. But unlike Prince Harry and Markle and Prince Charles and Princess Diana, the Duke of Cambridge kissed his wife on the cheek.

“For William and Kate, the kiss is a much more tempered event, in keeping with the couple’s trait of avoiding overt PDAs in public. Their kiss is not an open display of passion, however, their subtler signals look just as convincing as Harry and Meghan’s Hollywood number. The synchronicity is obvious and their mirrored smiles and eye contact show genuine pleasure at the gesture of intimacy. Their softened facial features as they smile at one another are a signal of authentic affection. The way they linger after the kiss suggests a reluctance to separate,” James said.

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle PDAs

Ever since Prince Harry and Markle’s relationship was made public, the couple never shied away from showing their fans and even critics how touchy-feely they are toward each other.

In fact, the couple made headlines during the Invictus Games in April after they were spotted walking hand-in-hand toward the venue. The Duchess of Sussex also gushed over Prince Harry after she introduced him to the crowd. And the couple gazed into each other’s eyes for a few seconds.

“I could not love and respect him more, and I know that all of you feel the same because he is your fellow veteran, having served two tours of duty in Afghanistan and ten years of military service, he's the founder of the Invictus Games and the father to our two little ones Archie and Lili. Please welcome, my incredible husband Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex,” Markle said (via InStyle).

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