Logan Concept Art Proved Movie Changed a Lot

Logan is considered to be a big step to the other direction of the X-Men franchise. And naturally, it would mean that different look for the main stays.

As we can see in the concept art created for the movie (via Screen Rant), artist Christian Cordella had created some looks for the characters. Some of them were pretty close to the actual ones that appeared in the movie, while others have surprisingly changed in the final cut.

Funnily enough, Logan is the one that changed the most in the final cut. For the most part, he seemed younger than what the final film shows. Despite the blood and torn clothes, he looks at least 10 years younger and a little less rugged than is actual self in the movie.

This is essentially just a part of the process since the movie does evolve in its own way. Everyone else in the movie does look the similar to their concept art, especially X-23 in both her fierce transformed look and her little innocent child counterpart.

The essence of the movie, however, is that it still touches on a lot of grit and realism. Even Xavier's suit art concept still looks very gritty and well-suited for the overall tone.

Concept artworks are really interesting to see, especially when we see the evolution of the characters.

Logan is already out in theaters, and it's the final run for Hugh Jackman as Wolverine.

Read:Guardians will have a bigger role in Avengers: Infinity War.

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