Detective Conan's new rival, Ron Kamonohashi, is Forbidden Deductions’ deranged but brilliant detective! He is a legendary detective who once stood at the top of the most prestigious detective academy in the world. Now known as a deranged detective, how smart is Ron Kamonohashi?
Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions revolves around Ron Kamonohashi and Totomaru Isshiki as they team up to clear unresolved cases one after the other, all the while finding out the truth behind the Bloody Field Trip incident that changed Ron’s life forever.
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How Smart Is Ron Kamonohashi?
A lot of people, particularly police officers and detectives, know about the life story of the legendary Ron Kamonohashi.
Whenever a case drags on for a very long time, they send people to ask for Ron’s help, although most of the time they are pushed away by the deranged detective.
Ron Kamonohashi’s name has been on the top of the records of Blue Academy, the world’s most prestigious detective training academy.
He is and still is the top student at the academy who can solve cases in a matter of minutes and even seconds. He even stands above his instructors or trainers!
Known as the man with the highest grades in Blue Academy’s history, Ron Kamonohashi often participated in real-life cases with police officers.
Not only can he deduce the mystery behind the crime scene, but he can also find the whereabouts of the criminals!
Ron is driven by his weirdly obsessed behavior toward solving cases. It is his reason for living, and whenever he hears an unresolved case, he can no longer suppress the urge to clear it.
Unlike other detectives, Ron uses a different kind of approach to solving cases. He turns to the corpses or the victims to ask for help. He treats them with friendliness, in the belief that they will open their hearts to him.
Even so, Ron holds a peculiar record of a 100% case resolution rate and a 0% arrest rate! He can solve cases but can’t arrest the culprits for some reason.
After the Bloody Fieldtrip Incident, Ron’s detective career nosedived.
His license was revoked, and if he ever tries to do some activities related to crime-solving, he will be killed on the spot by BLUE Academy's representatives.
Don’t be fooled; Ron’s detective career is not yet over, despite hitting rock bottom.
He now controls and manipulates the crime scene with the help of Totomaru Isshiki, a police detective who is stupidly straightforward and doesn’t think about the consequences of his actions.
Ultimately, one of the major reasons why Ron Kamonohashi is so smart is because he was born into the Holmes detective family. However, he was also born into the Moriarty crime family.
Does Ron Kamonohashi Have Powers?
Ron Kamonohashi has an ability called Kill on Sight. It allows him to pressure murderers to kill themselves, making it a fatal flaw in Ron’s detective career.
This is the reason his record of a 100% case resolution rate has a 0% arrest rate.
This kill-on-sight ability is believed to have been given to him by the Moriarty Crime Family, who also framed him during the Bloody Field Trip Incident. It is also believed that it has something to do with the 96-like scar on his neck.
The genius neurosurgeon and Ron’s friend, Mofu Uzaki, also thinks that Ron’s habit of trying to pressure culprits to take their lives is hereditary.
The good thing is that Dr. Uzaki can lessen Ron’s symptoms over time.
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