Does anyone remember the 2005 Fantastic Four movie? While people didn't look at it too kindly back in the day, fans are a little kinder to it these days due to the absolute failure that was the awful Fant4stic reboot back in 2015. Simply put, the movie failed to please anyone who liked Marvel's Fantastic Four series or even proper sci-fi films so fans are more than willing to watch the 2005 film again. Those fans might be interested to know that Fantastic Four Extended Edition will be coming to HBO Max.
I guess you could call this the Story Cut? Since Tim Story directed the film?
The Fantastic Four Extended Edition has actually received some praise since it added 20 more minutes to the story, showing scenes where The Thing got to know future girlfriend Alicia and even more of Doctor Doom's scheming. Marvel fans will also be happy to know that the Story Cut even has a cameo appearance from H.E.R.B.I.E. which is always nice.

While people crap on the movie for not having too many exciting scenes, it did have some solid characterization and was a bit funnier than some would like to admit. Hopefully, the movie will get some proper love from HBO Max viewers who need a break between Man of Steel and Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice rewatches.
Plus, it might get people pumped up for the Snyder Cut if they can see how improved this mediocre Marvel movie is compared to when it originally hit theaters.
If you don't have HBO Max, Fantastic Four Extended Edition is now available on various digital and Blu-Ray stores.
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