Episode VIII Rumor: Favorite Character From The Original Star Wars Could Be Taken Out

Warning: This article might contain potential spoilers for future Star Wars films. Read at your own risk.

When production for Star Wars: The Force Awakens was announced in 2014, every fan in the world had been excited about the prospect of finally seeing their favorite characters from the original trilogy and the sequels on the big screen once again. Only a select few were chosen to appear in The Force Awakens though, including Han Solo, Leia, and Luke. However, it's still fun and exciting to see what they've been up to after 30 years, no matter how short their screen time had been.

While the J.J. Abrams film featured characters from the old films, there was one fan-favorite who had been killed off – Han Solo (although Harrison Ford hinted that Han could still be returning). Now, it appears that another pivotal character could be taken off the beloved space opera series.

According to Latino-Review, an inside source from the Star Wars: Episode VIII set in Pinewood claims that new details about Laura Dern's role in the upcoming film could be at the cost of General Leia.

Plot leaks from The Force Awakens sequel say that Dern will be playing a Resistance officer, who, after Leia is injured, will take reign on operations. Poe Dameron will not like this, so another rebellion within the Resistance will take place, and apparently, the pro fighter pilot will be taking command.

This would mean that while Rey's in training with Luke, we'll be seeing more of Dameron and his taking control of the Resistance.

When The Force Awakens ended, it seemed pretty apparent that there had been tension between the Resistance and the New Republic government. The Resistance seems to be acting against the will of both the First Order and the official government sanction. If LP's inside source is legit, it would suggest that Dern's character could be heading a group inside the Republic that doesn't like having an open conflict with the First Order. Dern could be taking advantage of Leia's injury to take control over the Resistance.

Although, it's also possible that she's Rey's mother, as previous rumors claimed.

It's too early to speculate, but I admit I'm not totally in contradiction to Poe Dameron taking over the Resistance. He does seem to have Leia's strengths and leadership skills.

This rumor also seems like a sound way to take Leia out of the new movies. It would be too sudden and at this point lazy storytelling to have her killed off in an instant just like what happened to Han Solo.

What do you think?

Star Wars: Episode VIII will hit theaters on December 15, 2017.

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