Bocchi the Rock! Fans Celebrate Ikuyo Kita's Birthday With Fanart, Tributes

Ikuyo Kita's Birthday

Ikuyo Kita's Birthday

Today might not be the day that Season 2 is announced, but it’s still a day to celebrate for Bocchi fans. April 21 is officially Ikuyo Kita’s birthday, and Bocchi the Rock! fans are celebrating with lots of fanart and tributes.

The show may not be called Kita the Rock! but she’s still one of the most important characters in the show. After all, she’s integral to Bocchi’s character development in the series.

Her birthday isn’t just celebrated by fans though as the show’s staff also acknowledged the special day.

Bocchi the Rock! Officially Celebrates Ikuyo Kita’s Birthday

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While there’s no official popularity poll for the series, it’s fair to say that Kita is one of the show’s most popular characters.

After all, she stands out for being the only extroverted member of the Kessoku Band -- fitting as she’s the band’s lead singer.

To celebrate the occasion, the show’s official Twitter account shared a visual featuring Kita to mark her birthday.

Because of her popularity, the tweet quickly got over 60k likes and 2 million views in less than a day.

Aside from liking the tweet, fans also shared their love for Kita in the replies, with many sharing their birthday wishes to the Kessoku Band’s singer.

Not to be outdone, some fans shared their Kita fanart, as well as their collection of Bocchi the Rock! merch as a tribute to the show’s resident extrovert.

Aside from the official page, Kita’s birthday is also celebrated by the trading card game Build Divide.

Specifically, special Ikuyo Kita cards were revealed, which will be released on May 26.

RELATED: Here's Every Main Character's Age and Birthday in Bocchi the Rock!

Fans Share Artwork and Tributes for Kita’s Birthday

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Many fans on Twitter also shared their love for Kita in the form of cute fanart and other tributes that capture Kita’s radiant aura.

Check them out here:

The excitement won’t end today though as just two days after Kita’s birthday, a Bocchi the Rock! event is happening in Japan.

This upcoming event will go live on Sunday, April 23, and it promises to be a treat for fans.

Though right now, there’s no word yet on whether there will be a new announcement there.

What we do know is that the four main cast members will make an appearance. There will also be a special performance of the show’s songs.

Given the success of the first season, many are hoping that this event will see the official reveal of Bocchi the Rock! Season 2.

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