The Marvel Cinematic Universe is constantly expanding as the studio descends to Phase 5 and Phase 6, with several exciting projects like Avengers: Secret Wars and Avengers: The Kang Dynasty down the line. Along with the franchise's evolution, the MCU is now filled with various stars, including some Asian mainstay actors like Simu Liu (Shang-Chi), Gemma Chan (Sersi), and the fan-beloved Sorcerer Supreme, Wong, played by Benedict Wong. Amazingly, it looks like another Asian superstar from a well-known Korean girl group BLACKPINK is finally joining the mega-franchise.
According to a renowned Pop Culture insider ABTLABinsider, a member of the fan-beloved BLACKPINK is joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe in a Marvel film or a Disney+ project. Check out the tweet below:
The report didn't divulge which from the YG Entertainment-managed group consisting of Jennie, Lisa, Jisoo, and Rosé joined the MCU. However, fans are somehow convinced that it's the Korean singer-rapper Jennie Kim who will join the franchise after fans caught Benedict Wong following the Korean superstar on his Instagram account. Now that Wong is the new Nick Fury of the MCU, he will certainly be the first to know about the studio's top-secret casting.
If Jennie is indeed tapped for a Marvel role, she could easily play the Korean-American Spider superhero, Cindy Moon. Just like Holland's Spider-Man, Cindy Moon possesses superhuman strength, speed, agility, stamina, superhuman reflexes, superhuman endurance, long-range precognitive Spider-sense Eidetic memory, ability to cling to most surfaces and shoot strong spider-web strings from fingers.
There's no denying that Marvel Studios is slowly crafting a Spider-Verse for Tom Holland's Peter, along with the arrival of Dakota Johnson's Madame Web and Aaron Taylor Johnson's Kraven: The Hunter. Meaning to say, it's absolutely the perfect time to introduce Cindy Moon to the developing MCU Spider-Verse.
Nonetheless, as one of the most famous girl groups in the world, a BLACKPINK member's inclusion in the MCU would absolutely add another layer of enthusiasm to the franchise, especially now that they are approaching Phases 5 and 6.
BLACKPINK is currently dominating the charts with their new album, Born Pink, which lands at the first spot on the Billboard 200 albums chart, while new tracks Shut Down and Pink Venom are on the Hot 100.
Stay Tuned for more updates about BLACKPINK!
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