Everyone has to admit, Marvel really become a trendsetter when the MCU arrived as it is one, if not the most, successful franchise to ever exist in the entire history. However, Avengers: Endgame Director Joe Russo has a warning to the big guys up there as regards the concept of the multiverse: “Too much of one thing is a bad thing.”

There is no denying that the concept of the multiverse in films and series is currently a hot trend that almost every show tried to delve into it and turned into some kind of obsession with the idea itself. However, Joe Russo, the director of Avengers: Endgame, gave a warning while speaking at the annual Design Innovate Communicate Entertain (DICE) summit as reported by IGN with regard to the matter.
Russo mentioned that while the concept of the multiverse is an interesting one, some companies tend to lack the creativity to think of a new one which leads to the idea being used repeatedly, he said, "The corporate agenda is: Do you like chocolate ice cream? Well here's chocolate ice cream with sprinkles, here's chocolate ice cream with fudge...It's their job to turn the money printer on."
Russo further explained, "It's the creative's job to say, 'Well sh*t, I don't know if I want to watch that.'"
Russo added that when a certain idea is hyper-focused, it tends to be a detriment to the industry as it could be used over and over again, and it could cause some stagnation on new concepts, "So yeah, too much of one thing is a bad thing, but I think there are enough... innovators in the space where you can expect to be surprised. Just don't expect corporations to surprise you."
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These sentiments of Russo are from the wide interest of media over the concept of the multiverse which has been popularized and turned into mainstream by the MCU on respective projects such as Endgame, Loki, What If..?, and most recently, Spider-Man: No Way Home. This would definitely continue in the next big film of the franchise, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, it is in the title, to start with.
Hollywood has picked up the concept so hard that there are a lot of new films and shows coming in with the concept of the multiverse. The same narrative is also being entered into by the DCEU with the upcoming film, The Flash, and even the Arrowverse shows have dealt with it, Superman and Lois Season 2 has it among others.
Other than these superhero movies, different titles also started to pick the concept of the universe up such as the feature-length Blues Clues movie which brings together the three hosts of the beloved kids show, Steve, Joe, and Josh all together in one big movie coming this year on Paramount Plus.
Joe Russo’s words speak volumes and if this trend is to continue, the idea could be repeatedly used until its spark dims, leading to disinterest, and possibly people shying away from the very concept itself.