Wizards of the Coast Announced Magic Club Support Program

Wizards of the Coast

Wizards of the Coast has announced the Magic Support Program, an initiative to provide kits for organizers that "want to use Magic play as an enrichment activity in their spaces, such as schools, libraries, and community centers."

According to Wizards of the Coast, the kits exist to help support organizers to create awareness of Magic: the Gathering and inspire great Magic experiences at enrichment centers such as schools and libraries.

Only those who are the point-of-contact of the organizations for gameplay can get the kits. You have to be the party responsible for running your Magic programming in an enrichment center. Only organizers from organizations in U.S. and Canada may qualify for the Magic club kits, and supplies are limited.

Here's a list of what the Magic club kit contains:

Magic club instructions to help you successfully program and run events
A poster to advertise your Magic play space
Twenty (20) Spindown life counters
Two (2) Planeswalker Decks from a recent Standard-legal set to lend to players
A Deck Builder's Toolkit from a recent Standard-legal set to start an organization's card collection
A Land Station to provide extra basic lands

Wizards of the Coast is also offering Welcome to Magic kits for those looking to support learn-to-play Magic event at your location. Here's what the Welcome to Magic kit contains:

An instructions document to help you run a learn-to-play Magic event
A poster to advertise learning to play Magic in your space
A learn to play Magic flip book that explains Magic game concepts for teachers and learners
Four (4) life-total pads
A two-player teaching playmat
20 Welcome Decks

It's good to know that Wizards of the Coast is doing more to support positive communities. Last month, they gave a group of kids who play Magic: the Gathering at the library a full Guilds of Ravnica pre-release experience after they missed the actual pre-release because their organizer's Wizards Play Network status was revoked.

If you're interested in getting a Magic club kit, you can request it here.

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