What Is Emma and Mari's Relationship in Ninja Kamui? Ep 7 Sheds Light on Their History

What Is Emma and Mari's Relationship in Ninja Kamui? Ep 7 Sheds Light on Their History
Credit: E&H Production

What Is Emma and Mari's Relationship in Ninja Kamui? Ep 7 Sheds Light on Their History
Credit: E&H Production

Ninjas are a mysterious bunch, and Emma Samanda is no exception. She is a very capable ninja, but what is Emma's relationship with Mari in Ninja Kamui?

Spoiler Warning: This article includes spoilers for Ninja Kamui episode 7, so proceed with caution.

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What Is Emma and Mari’s Relationship in Ninja Kamui?

emma and mari relationship ninja kamui
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Credit: E&H Production

Emma and Mari considered each other family, despite the organization's stringent code that bans them from feeling emotions.

They may not be blood relatives, but their life experiences and struggles form the foundation of their close bond.

Emma held Mari in the highest regard, claiming that she was her savior and that without her, she would not be who she is today.

In her eyes, Mari was the very epitome of what a perfect ninja should be since she was an outstanding person whose words were so convincing that she believed whatever she said was an evident fact.

emma and mari relationship ninja kamui
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Credit: E&H Production

In other words, Emma had nothing but admiration for Mari both as a ninja and as a human being.

For those who are shipping Emma with Higan, it appears that she will not pursue that path in the future out of respect for Mari.

Besides, Emma refuses to date men who are married with children, so this is already a no-no.

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Ninja Kamui Episode 7 Sheds Light on Emma and Mari’s History

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Credit: E&H Production

Mari was Emma's first mentor, and the latter was always smart and determined to complete their tasks successfully.

She was extremely capable and talented so Emma looked up to her and followed everything she did.

They were inseparable as if they were mother and child. Whenever Emma thinks of her parents, she constantly sees Mari's face, as if she were her biological family.

They've grown so close that Mari has passed down her secret ninja art to her, despite understanding the consequences of breaking the ninja code.

In reality, Emma was keeping a secret from Mari. She was actually the former chieftain's watcher, entrusted with looking into whether Mari was a suitable successor.

She pretended her skills were lesser, but Mari had been aware of her disguise since the day they met.

emma and mari relationship ninja kamui
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Credit: E&H Production

It came to a point when Emma implored Mari to abandon her child and become an elite ninja once more.

She was perplexed and unsure about everything, not to mention that the organization to which she belonged was nothing like it had been previously.

When Emma confronted Mari, she tried to kill herself because she despised the thought of living such a miserable existence, but Mari saved her instead.

Now that Mari is gone, Emma wants to continue Mari’s wish to allow Higan to live on at all costs.

Are you surprised by Emma's relationship with Mari? Let us know in the comments below!