Star Wars: The Bad Batch season 3 is set for a release real soon. With the leaked trailer, fans are looking forward to learning more about Omega's sister. Before the third season starts, however, let's look back at what happened to Omega in The Bad Batch season 2.
Spoiler Warning: This article includes spoilers for Star Wars: The Bad Batch season 2, so proceed with caution.
Who is Omega From Star Wars: The Bad Batch?

Omega (voiced by Michelle Ang) is an unmodified human clone with enhanced capabilities. She comes from the template of Jango Fett, a Mandalorian bounty hunter who existed years after the Clone Wars.
When Omega was first created, she was intended to be a pure genetic replica of Fett. Her role was to be Nala Se's medical assistant, where she worked in Tipoca City in Kamino.
After the war, however, she became interested in Clone Force 99, which had just returned from Kaller. She had an opportunity to escape Kamino and join Clone Force 99 when Wilhuff Tarkin assessed the troopers.
When she joined Clone Force 99, Omega quickly befriended Shaeeah and Jek, the Lawquane children. She also helped them escape by giving them forged chain codes. Even though she had a chance to go with them, Omega decided to stay with Clone Force 99.
Later, Omega became exceptional at using the Zygerrian energy bow. This allowed her to join the Bad Batch on their adventures.
What Happened to Omega in The Bad Batch Season 2?

In the second season of Star Wars: The Bad Batch, we learned that Omega was betrayed and captured. When Tech died, the Bad Batch members barely had a chance to escape.
Unfortunately, Cid betrays them by selling them out to the Empire. Throughout the second season, Cid was portrayed as a character who was only after her own interests.
After this is discovered by the squad, Cid felt guilty for her betrayal and tries to save Omega.
So what happened to Omega in The Bad Batch season 2 since her capture?
Since she was captured, Omega was taken to Dr. Royce Hemlock's base, Mount Tantiss. With her presence, Dr. Hemlock plans to use Omega as a bargaining chip to comply with the Empire.
At this base, however, she finds Crosshair, who has been held captive by Dr. Hemlock's Advanced Science Division.
Shortly after that, she is approached by one of the female clone engineers, who reveals that she is Omega's sister.
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Who is Omega's Sister?

So who is Omega's sister? She introduces herself in the second season as Doctor Emerie Karr. Although she shares the same genetic template as Omega and Jango Fett, Emerie works as Dr. Hemlock's scientist.
As it turns out, she has been helping treat Crosshair after his fight with Lieutenant Nolan. She's also the one who tells Omega about Crosshair's whereabouts.
Ever since Omega meets her, she has been distrustful of her. But now that she revealed that she is her sister, Omega may have softened up towards her.
We'll know how their relationship will progress in Star Wars: The Bad Batch season 3. It's important to note that even though they are clones and sisters, Emerie is someone that Dr. Hemlock fully trusts. So that might be something Omega should keep in mind.
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