The Rise of Skywalker Concept Art Details How Dark Rey's Lightsaber Has a Nod to Darth Vader

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker wasn't the worst movie ever but it was pretty disappointing and wasted a lot of potential. One bit of intrigue that fans knew was going to suck was the odd reveal of Dark Rey - why don't we call her Darth Rey? - since fans knew she wasn't going to turn to the Dark Side this late in the game, Palpatine or not.

However, the concept artists who were forced to design this farce did put some effort into this creation. Matthew Savage revealed on Instagram that they worked a lot on her lightsaber and even added a nod to the most popular Sith Lord ever, Darth Vader. That little nod ended up being the bit of black near the end of this lightsaber, not that it matters.

We could say that Dark Rey was a lot of wasted potentials but, let's face it, The Rise of Skywalker was a lot of wasted potentials. There are definitely good parts of the film and it seems like people really enjoyed the fanservice throughout, especially near the end. It's fair to say that this was a disappointing end to a mixed-bag of a trilogy and Dark Rey's dumbass fangs didn't help one bit.


If you haven't yet, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is now showing on Disney+ and can be purchased on digital stores. You can check out the movie and see just how cringey Dark Rey is.

Read: Star Wars Actress Daisy Ridley Lines Up for First Film Outside of Skywalker Saga

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