Following the events of Avengers: Endgame, fans assumed that Steve Rogers has passed on the mantle to Sam Wilson. However, it looks like there'll be some hindrance in the process because the government will be bringing in John Walker as replacement Captain America. Set photos from The Falcon and the Winter Soldier have already revealed Wyatt Russell in the suit and in possession of the shield, and now, new images show his character in action.
In a few photos recently shared by @live2netflix, John Walker seems to be involved in a big action sequence. The show will likely pit Bucky and Sam against the U.S. Agent and his sidekick, and this could be a scene where they would face off. However, this could also be the part where the new Captain America faces a fight of his own. You can check out the photos here.
Aside from these images, a recent set photo also revealed some flyers with the words, "Cap is back" written on them. Of course, the posters feature Russell's character. It isn't clear how he got the shield in the first place; some think that the Falcon gave it up willingly, while some think that he was forced to just give the weapon to the government. Either way, fans are excited to see what's to come in the show.
Along with Mackie and Russell, Sebastian Stan will return as Bucky a.k.a the Winter Soldier, Daniel Bruhl as Baron Zemo, and Emily VanCamp as Sharon Carter. Full details about the plotline are yet to be revealed, but fans would find out more very soon when The Falcon and the Winter Soldier drops on Disney+ this August.
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