One of the highly-anticipated DCEU films is James Gunn's The Suicide Squad which is slated for release in 2021. The film is currently in production, but it looks like someone has already finished filming.
Over at Gunn's Instagram account, the director recently did a Q&A session that allowed people to ask him different kinds of questions. Amidst multiple queries, one fan asked if Taika Waititi has "approached" the set of Suicide Squad while the other asked whether or not Margot Robbie started filming her scenes for the movie. To the fans' surprise, Gunn revealed that Waititi has already finished filming his parts of the film. On the other hand, Robbie only filmed "some" scenes as of now. It seems like she has barely started since Gunn wrote, "not nearly all," which suggests that Robbie is far from getting finished.
You can check out Gunn's exchange with some fans below (via user @DanielRPK).
Since Waititi is already finished, this led fans to speculate that he might only be making a cameo or will have a very small role in the film. That being said, since Robbie will be the main star of The Suicide Squad, she has a lot of scenes to shoot, hence, she's barely even done with filming.
For now, there aren't a lot of details revealed regarding the movie. We only have the full list of actors so far.
In addition to the filming details, Robbie praised Gunn's humor in the movie in a recent interview. She claims that the audience will be laughing a lot. She didn't reveal any information, but Robbie assures that the film will be "very, very good."
The Suicide Squad is scheduled for release on August 6, 2021. Robbie will return as Harley Quinn in Birds of Prey, which premieres on February 7, 2020.
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