Marvel's She-Hulk to Reportedly Feature Comic-Accurate Origin Story, Ties to Bruce Banner

Credit: Marvel Comics

Credit: Marvel Comics

Although there isn't much revealed about Marvel's She-Hulk series, a casting description was reportedly revealed which indicates that the show might be sticking close to the character's comic-accurate origin story.

According to The Illuminerdi, Marvel has reportedly begun the casting search for the role of Jennifer Walters. The site says Marvel is looking for an actress who has comedic chops and is between the ages of 26 to 34 years old. The casting is said to be open to all races so there are tons of actresses who could fit the role.

Aside from that, the site also says Walter's background story will be close to her comic book origin in Savage She-Hulk #1 by Stan Lee and John Buscema from 1980. In the pages, Jennifer Walters is a lawyer who gains her powers after receiving a blood transfusion from Bruce Banner, her cousin.

While Bruce was mentioned in the origin story, it is unclear whether or not actor Mark Ruffalo will be joining the series. It'll be hard not to include the actor in the live-action series without a cameo at the very least. That being said, there could still be other ways to show how she got the blood transfusion.

In addition to her story, the site also mentioned that Walters would be a future member of the Avengers. This indicates a large presence in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and it is likely that she will make the jump into features after the show, that is if the series is successful. This also points to narrowing down actresses with cinematic weight, who is able to go between the big and small screen.

What are your thoughts on She-Hulk so far? Tell us in the comments below!

She-Hulk is yet to have a release date but it is already known that Rick and Morty's Jessica Gao will be the head writer of the show.

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