Marvel's Vision Series Release Date: Everything We Know So Far

marvel vision series release date | Westview changes color
Credit: Marvel Studios | Disney+ | Screenshot from WandaVision official trailer: | Fair Use For Promotional Purposes

marvel vision series release date | Westview changes color
Credit: Marvel Studios | Disney+ | Screenshot from WandaVision official trailer: | Fair Use For Promotional Purposes

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It's been a long time since the beloved vibranium-made android Vision last made an appearance in the MCU. However, fans of Paul Bettany's synthezoid won't have to wait as long for the release date of Marvel's Vision series.

It's about time Vision gets his much-awaited spotlight in the franchise, and what could be better than a story centered on his life outside Tony Stark's surveillance and Avengers duty?

Here is everything you need to know about what lies in store for Marvel's Vision before hitting Disney+.

Marvel's Vision Series Release Date Predictions

marvel vision series release date | Vision wants to fight for Westview
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Credit: Marvel Studios | Disney+ | Screenshot from WandaVision official trailer: | Fair Use For Promotional Purposes

Paul Bettany will be reprising his role as the titular synthezoid working alongside Star Trek: Picard executive producer Terry Matalas, who has been set to run the untitled Disney+ series.

While fans should rejoice that we'll finally understand a deeper part of Vision that has long been undermined since Captain America: Civil War, there is no official release date yet.

However, it is reported that Marvel's Vision series is currently slated for 2026.

Marvel's new strategy involves releasing 2 live-action series on Disney+ per year. In this case, Daredevil: Born Again and Ironheart have been saved for 2025, while nothing has been confirmed yet for the second series after Vision for 2026.

Potential Issues Marvel's Vision Series May Face

marvel vision series release date | Vision tries to recount where he was before coming to Westview
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Credit: Marvel Studios | Disney+ | Screenshot from WandaVision official trailer: | Fair Use For Promotional Purposes

Keep in mind that Marvel Studios is under a lot of pressure when it comes to aligning their ideas on expanding the Multiverse and spreading the slated heroes set to grace the screens in the following years.

With Deadpool & Wolverine potentially seeking to introduce more mutants into the canon Marvel Cinematic Universe, the Vision series could end up losing its spot on prioritized stories to tell for Marvel.

Then again, another possibility is that it could hit a snag due to the inevitable filming and production issues.

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For example, WandaVision creator Jac Schaeffer was supposed to run the Vision series. However, he ended up having to lead the spinoff, Agatha All Along with Kathryn Hahn, which is set to premiere in September of this year. So, expect similar changes in the course of its two years in the making.

What Story Could the Vision Series Tell Us on Disney+?

The last time we saw Vision in the MCU was when Wanda resurrected him for a few episodes in WandaVision, which was in 2021. At the time, Vision fought against his own ghost white alternate self in fighting for their place in Westview.

That is until the white Vision decides to leave and explore his new life, despite restoring his memories of when he died in Avengers: Infinity War.

marvel vision series release date | Wanda and Vision smile for the opening title sequence for WandaVision
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Credit: Marvel Studios | Disney+ | Screenshot from WandaVision official trailer: | Fair Use For Promotional Purposes

There are two potential directions that Marvel's Vision story could go: they could continue the perspective of ghost white Vision on his journey as a direct spinoff to WandaVision, or Marvel could pick up one of Vision's original stories from the comic books.

All we know for now is that the series will reportedly follow Vision as he tries to regain his memory and humanity. Of course, there will be more details on what we can expect from the android we once identified as Stark Industries' property as the writing process develops.

What do you make of this latest Marvel live-action series? Let us know in the comments and follow our Marvel Facebook Page for the latest news and trends!

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