Marvel Producer Secures Scarlet Witch's Future in MCU's Phase 4

Fans are already enjoying Elizabeth Olsen as the MCU's Scarlet Witch, and her recent involvement in the critically-acclaimed Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness highlighted a terrifying character arc for Wanda Maximoff. After committing a horrifying killing spree that ended with her killing herself in the Doctor Strange sequel, fans desperately still want to see the Scarlet Witch in the future of the MCU and reclaim her title as an Avenger. However, will we really see her again?

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Thankfully, in an audio commentary included as a bonus featurette for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness digital release, Marvel producer Richie Palmer teased Olsen's Scarlet Witch future in the MCU.

Gladly, it looks like we will see more of the Scarlet Witch, despite her seemingly tragic death at the end of Multiverse of Madness. "If Doctor Strange is the anchor of the MCU of Phase 4, then Wanda Maximoff is the jewel in the crown," Palmer said.

Wanda Maximoff's character arc was intensely eventful after she was introduced in Avengers: Avengers. Wanda lost his brother Pietro, Vision, and her illusion-made kids in Disney+'s WandaVision. Aside from the fact that she is now the most powerful character in the MCU, she certainly needs a redemption arc where she can reclaim her title as a hero. If ever we would see her again, she could play a part in the X-Men's introduction or could return as a substantial key role in the next major MCU Phases.

For now, several reports claim that Elizabeth Olsen is in talks to have a solo Scarlet Witch film, and she reportedly signed a 7-year extension contract with Marvel Studios. With that said, that's already a takeaway that Olsen would stay in the MCU for a longer run, just like what Palmer uttered, she's now the MCU's jewel in the crown.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is now available to stream on Disney+.

Also read: Elizabeth Olsen Addresses Wanda’s Return on Katherine Hahn's WandaVision Spinoff