Lycoris Recoil DVD Sales Top 23K in 1 Week, Becomes Bestselling Original Anime in Years

lycoris recoil sales chisato

lycoris recoil sales chisato

Lycoris Recoil is one of Summer 2022’s surprise hits, at least based on conversations online. Now though, the anime is confirmed to be one of the biggest of the season as the Lycoris Recoil DVD sales have topped 23k in just one week, making it the bestselling original anime in years.

Typically, anime series with big Blu-Ray/DVD sales are the ones that are based on an established IP, whether it’s a manga or a game.

Lycoris Recoil’s success is more impressive given it’s an original series that flew under the radar early into the season.

According to Oricon Japan (via Reddit), the series’ combined Blu-Ray and DVD sales reached 23,383 during the past week. The weekly ranking on CD Japan also puts the series in the fourth spot, right behind Jujutsu Kaisen 0.

Aside from being a big hit for anime standards, this number is also impressive given only the first volume has been released so far.

In case you haven’t seen it yet, Lycoris Recoil (also called LycoReco for short) is an original anime series by A-1 Pictures that’s directed by Shingo Adachi and written by Asaura.

It is set in an alternate version of Japan that’s kept safe by “Lycoris,” an all-female group of spies and assassins. These girls take down criminals and terrorists while the public is unaware of their existence.

The story begins with Takina, a Lycoris agent who is demoted after disobeying direct orders. Due to this, she is assigned to work in LycoReco, a café that functions as an undercover agency outpost.

Takina’s new partner in this role is Chisato, a bubbly and carefree agent that’s known as the best Lycoris agent there is. Despite their differing personalities, Takina must get along with Chisato if she wants her old post back.

Based on the Reddit post, Lycoris Recoil’s first week home video sales are just short of Demon Slayer and Jujutsu Kaisen, two shows that are based on Shonen Jump manga. This makes the show’s sales figure comparable to even major IPs.

It is also believed that LycoReco is the bestselling original anime in years, with the last original show with this comparable level of success being Yuri on Ice.

Given that more volumes are going to be released soon, it won’t be a surprise to see LycoReco’s sales figures climb even higher in the coming weeks and months.

All episodes of Lycoris Recoil are now streaming on Crunchyroll.

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