Teased for so long, Adam Warlock is finally making his full-fledged debut in the MCU through Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 where he would be played by Will Poulter but will he be on the good or bad side in the movie? Is he a friend or a foe?
Is Will Poulter's Adam Warlock Good or Bad in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3?
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 marks the official debut of Will Poulter as Adam Warlock in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
It could be remembered that his character was teased in the post-credits scene of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 where he was still in a cocoon introduced by Ayesha as "Adam."
From then, a lot has happened and some people even lost hope whether Adam Warlock would still appear but thankfully, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is here to make that happen!
Will Poulter surprised the world when it was confirmed that he will suit up as Adam Warlock but in the previews, the 6ft 3 Brit did not disappoint!
Whether Adam Warlock is a good or bad character remains questionable in the previews of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.
He is seen fighting against the members of the Guardians but with his comic book origins, he is more of an anti-hero which makes him good at some point and bad in another.
Speaking with Empire, James Gunn teased whether Will Poulter's Adam Warlock is good or bad, “It’s kind of more complicated than that. But he’s definitely not a good guy."
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Gunn added that Warlock's age could be a factor, "What we’re seeing is the infant form of Warlock, newly out of the cocoon, and he does not understand life very well. He’s basically a baby.”
In the comics, Adam Warlock is an anti-hero who is a super powerful cosmic entity originally called as "Him," in 1967 when he first appeared.
Bearing the aliases of the Master of All Souls and the Avatar of Life, Adam Warlock carries the Soul Stone, something that the MCU did not feature.
Adam Warlock is considered as the next evolution of humanity being perfect through genetic engineering.
He is immortal because while his physical body could die, his soul could not be reaped by Death, thus, not truly dying at all.
Which side do you think Adam Warlock would be on?
See Will Poulter's MCU debut in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 on May 5, 2023.