How Powerful Is Sense in Frieren? Exploring the First-Class Mage's Abilities

How Powerful is Sense in Frieren
Credit: Madhouse

How Powerful is Sense in Frieren
Credit: Madhouse

The second stage of the first-class mage exam begins under Sense’s jurisdiction. She is a first-class mage who, unlike Genau, is a pacifist who doesn’t want people with promising futures to die under her watch. She may be a pacifist, but how powerful is Sense in Frieren?

Spoiler Warning: This article includes spoilers from the Frieren manga series, so proceed with caution.

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Who Is Sense in Frieren?

How Powerful is Sense in Frieren
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Credit: Madhouse

Sense is one of the proctors of the first-class mage exams held in Auberst. She is a pacifist who rarely speaks but has a lot on her mind about the examinees.

She has a calm and solemn demeanor, and most of the time, she has a deadpan expression on her face.

Despite being a pacifist, Sense has a reputation among the mages. Her exam formats are often cruel and hard, which can push the examinees beyond their limits and through the impossible.

She believes that first-class mages make the impossible possible, after all.

How Powerful is Sense in Frieren
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Credit: Madhouse

Even Lawine knows how hard Sense’s exams are. She even told Frieren and Fern that no one had been able to pass her exams in the past!

As the proctor of the second exam, Sense asked the examinees to hold a labyrinth raid in the Tomb of the Ruined King.

All the examinees need to reach the innermost depths of the tomb, where the master of the dungeon, Spiegel, awaits them.

Sense joins the examinees, particularly Frieren and Fern, but she tells them that she would not assist or help in any way at all.

How Powerful Is Sense in Frieren: Beyond Journey's End? Her Abilities Explored

How Powerful is Sense in Frieren
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Credit: Madhouse

Not much is known about Sense’s abilities in Frieren, but we get to see her fight thanks to her clone during the dungeon raid.

As a first-class mage, Sense is expected to be a highly capable mage, and her clone lived up to expectations.

Sense’s hair is imbued with several layers of magic, which means she has countless ways to fight her opponents.

Her hair feels as heavy as a massive boulder for Edel, Dunst, and Blei, who tried to defend themselves with full-sphere defense magic against her attacks.

Sense’s hair is layered with several spells that are on par with defense magic, which explains its endurance and tenacity.

But when faced with Ubel, even the real Sense can’t visualize herself defeating the cunning mage. It’s just that her skills are incompatible with Ubel's.

Hopefully, we’ll see more of Sense in the series as the plot unfolds.

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