Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable! Trailer Reveals January Premiere

Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable! Premiere Minami

Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable! Premiere Minami

It’s only one month before the start of a new anime season, so it’s no surprise we’re getting a lot of release date announcements. Just recently, Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable! revealed its exact premiere date in a new trailer.

This is the second proper trailer for the anime if you don’t include the character spotlights that put the focus on the supporting cast.

Along with new clips of the anime’s main duo, the trailer is a must-see for fans as it previews the show’s opening and ending themes.

New Hokkaido Gals Trailer Previews Opening and Ending Themes

This new Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable! trailer focuses on the main heroine, Minami Fuyuki, who is voiced by Ayane Sakura.

Anime fans know Sakura for being the VA of Gabi in Attack on Titan and Ochaco in My Hero Academia.

Minami’s gyaru personality is the highlight of this new trailer – a sharp contrast to the quiet and unsure protagonist Tsubasa Shiki. Voicing Tsubasa is Nobunaga Shimazaki, the VA of Mahito in Jujutsu Kaisen.

The latest trailer also gives fans their first snippet of the opening theme titled Namaramenkoi Gyaru (or Super Adorable Gal in English) by Masayoshi Oishi.

Oishi is a popular Japanese singer with many anime songs under his belt. These include tracks for shows like Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun, The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses, and Kemono Friends.

Meanwhile, the show’s ending theme is titled Wayawayawa-! (or Pretty Crazy-! in English) by the singer Asaka.

Much like Oishi, Asaka has also performed many anime songs such as the opening themes of Summer Time Rendering and Laid-Back Camp.

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Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable! Reveals January 2024 Premiere Date

hokkaido gals are super adorable tsubasa minami
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Winter 24 will feature several anticipated romance anime, but what sets Hokkaido Gals apart is clear, based on its title.

Unlike many anime which are set in Tokyo, this series is set in the snowy city of Kitami in Hokkaido. It follows Tsubasa, a boy from Tokyo who has no experience with girls.

Tsubasa’s luck changes when he arrives in Kitami as he meets the upbeat gyaru Minami who takes a liking to him.

Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable! will premiere on select Japanese TV networks on January 9, 2024.

There’s no word yet on which platform the show will be streamed on outside of Japan. An announcement on a streaming partner will likely be made closer to the anime’s early January release date.

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