Gotham’s Penguin Actor Calls Out Issue on Gay Cobblepot

When news exploded of the confirmed fact that Oswald Cobblepot holds certain romantic feelings for Edward Nygma in Gotham, eyebrows rose and questions were raised.

For one thing, there was a rather loud call for what could be a big departure from what the canon comics says about the two characters. However, Penguin actor Robin Lord Taylor begged to differ, and sees the development as the natural thread that the show could have taken.

Speaking at the Rhode Island Comic Con in the video seen below, Taylor stated that more than what the comics says about the canon stories of the two characters, the direction in which the series is going shaped the overall journey.

In fact, putting aside the theme of bromance turned romance, Taylor also believed that it may not have mattered who the character Penguin fell in love with. He said that it could have been the likes of Barbara or even Butch who had helped him in the way that Nygma did, the former's obsessions could have focused on that particular person.

So for haters of the possible new couple, Taylor has this to say:

"You can't tell me that unless you were just as upset that in our own show, we have Batman and Catwoman growing up together, running around Gotham City growing up together. If you were as equally upset about that—which is changing canon characters. But you come to me and you say to me, ‘I'm okay with you being queer but um upset you're changing a character,' what you're saying to me is, ‘I am homophoic, and I am afraid of gay people and queer people."

Gotham airs every Monday on Fox.

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