George Lucas' Crazy Theory About The Narrator of Star Wars Makes So Much Sense

George Lucas' six Star Wars films are centered on the Skywalkers, but who's the narrator? It turns out that Lucas has an interesting theory that makes a lot of sense.

In How Star Wars Conquered the Universe, Chris Taylor recounts that Lucas shared his ideas with animation director Rob Coleman, when Coleman arrived for his first day. Lucas told Coleman about "his ultimate framing device." Taylor writes:

"The entire story of Star Wars is actually being recounted to the keeper of the Journal of the Whills—remember that?—a hundred years after the events of Return of the Jedi by none other than R2-D2."

Since R2-D2 is, as Taylor points out, "prominent in every movie", this theory that R2-D2 is telling the story of the original trilogy and the prequels explains a lot. When Episode I begins, R2-D2 is already "fully formed," unlike C-3PO, and his mind doesn't get erased at the end of Episode III, the way C-3PO does, so he remembers the prequels' events well.

So do you think R2-D2 is the true narrator of the Star Wars films?

Read: Star Wars' Kathleen Kennedy and Oscar Isaac Named Among TIME's Most Influential People

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