Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero features an exciting story that sees the return of the Red Ribbon Army, the infamous criminal organization behind the villainous androids and Cell from Dragon Ball Z. Z-Fighters like Son Gohan and Piccolo will take the spotlight in this conflict while Goku and Vegeta are taking care of other matters outer space.
We've already seen promotional images and footages showing Gohan and Piccolo fighting the new androids, as well as a look at the members of the Red Ribbon Army. There's also one mysterious villain already revealed after the movie was released in Japan in June 11.
Warning: This article contains major spoilers for Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero.
Here's everything we know about the villains of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero:
Dr. Hedo
A genius scientist employed by the Red Ribbon Army. Dr. Hedo possesses highly advanced Android technology.
Twitter user @DBSChronicles shared a scan that shows more character details about Dr. Hedo. Check out the English translated scan here:
According to the leaked major spoilers, Dr. Hedo will end up working for Bulma's Capsule Corporation.
Gamma 1
The first of the new Android series created by Dr. Hedo. He puts on a red cape and has a strong sense of loyalty with a calming personality.
Gamma 1 will battle Gohan in the early parts of the movie, and he's powerful enough to dominate the battle against his Super Saiyan form.
At the end of the movie, Gamma 1, along with Dr. Hedo, will join Bulma's Capsule Corp.
Gamma 2
The second of the new Android series created by Dr. Hedo. He puts on a blue cape and is sometimes chided by Gamma 1 for his slightly flippant attitude.
Unforunately, Gamma 2 will die in the end of the movie. He will be killed by Cell Max.
A behind-the-scenes clip was released to give us a look at how the Piccolo vs. Gamma 2 fight was brought to life.
President of Red Pharmaceuticals, the current public face of the Red Ribbon Army. In order to rebuild the army, he gets in touch with Dr. Hedo.
According to Twitter outlet @DBSChronicles, Magenta will fight a "certain someone" in the film. It's speculated that "certain someone" could be one of the less powerful Z-Fighters: Pan, Krillin, or Gotenks, but Toei Animation hasn't revealed who that could be.
Magenta's confidant and his driver, characterized by his large pompadour. He is expected to have conflicts with Dr. Hedo.
Dr. Hedo also created a deadly insect-like cyborg agent known as "Hachimaru", which is described to have "terrifying abilities", but Toei Animation hasn't revealed additional details about those abilities. The villain's wasp-like design looks like an effective way for the genius scientist Dr. Hedo to gather material from various powerful warriors in order to create a new generation of powerful androids for the Red Ribbon Army.
The name of the new cyborg agent is a play on the word "hatch", which supports the theory that whatever material Hachimaru gathers for Hedo's egg will transform into the Red Ribbon Army's biggest threat yet.
According to reports, Hachimaru will kill Magenta in the movie.
Android 21
According to leaks, Android 21 will make a small cameo in the film, which will officially make her a part of Dragon Ball Super's canon. The movie will reveal her real name.
For those unfamiliar with Android 21, she is the main antagonist of the Dragon Ball FighterZ videogame. It's still unclear what role she will play in the film, but don't expect it to be a major one.
Mysterious Villain: Could it be Cell?
The latest trailer for Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero teased a mysterious villain found in the headquarters of the Red Ribbon Army. Toei Animation also teased that Piccolo will go in an undercover mission inside the villainous organization's headquarters, and it looks like the strongest Namekian in the universe will discover their shocking secret.
It's also revealed that the film's climax will see Hedo reveal a huge cybernetic "egg" that will hatch the "worst existence that has yet to be seen.
June 2022 Update: According to DBHype, the final villain of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero will be Cell Max, a gigantic version of Cell who doesn't have any dialogues or lines in the movie. Cell Max is said to go berserk in the film as a result of Magenta activating him early. Gohan transforms into his new "Final Gohan" form in order to defeat him.
You can read more details about Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero here.