While Nagatoro’s way of expressing her feelings is rather unique compared to other girls, fans are wondering if Nagatoro did end up confessing and dating her senpai. Or, does she still have a peculiar relationship with him? Read on to find out!
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Does Nagatoro Confess?

In Don’t Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro, Nagatoro loves to tease her senpai so much that it looks like she's bullying him. However, it was later revealed that she does have feelings for him and expresses her emotions by teasing him.
While a lot of fans have been anticipating her confession, Nagatoro still hasn’t confessed to her senpai in the manga. She still maintains her tsundere personality and continues to mock him every chance she gets.
Although Nagatoro and Senpai have grown closer than before, there haven't been any serious signs of admission or confession from either one of them.
On the other hand, Senpai finally realized that he does have feelings for Nagatoro in Chapter 110 of the manga.
However, he has not yet confessed as he seems to be unsure of how to do so.
Does Nagatoro End Up Dating Senpai?

Since no one has had the courage to confess first, Nagatoro and Senpai are not yet dating in both the manga and the anime. Fans are hoping that there will be a development in their relationship in Season 2, but it seems like they will have to wait a bit more before anything substantial happens.
Senpai tried to confess once, but on his first attempt, Nagatoro ran away, making him feel that there was still a distance between them.
He knew that he needed to overcome that distance to finally catch up and be with her but no one knows for sure when that will happen.
Though he gave her some hints, like saying that repeating a year isn’t too bad because he is with her, and more.

Nagatoro, on the other hand, seems unsure of what to do considering that Senpai is her first crush. The only way she knows to express her feelings is by bullying him, which was effective in catching his attention.
No one knows for sure when the confession will come but fans have always loved the bickering and awkwardness between the two.
So, who will confess first and make their relationship official? Fans will have to continue watching the romantic comedy series to find out.
Don’t Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro Season 2 is currently airing and available to stream on Crunchyroll.
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