Deadpool and Wolverine: Kevin Feige Hints at More MCU Crossovers Aside from Loki

Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool in Deadpool and Wolverine
Credit: Marvel Studios

Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool in Deadpool and Wolverine
Credit: Marvel Studios

Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige recently teased that there might be more MCU crossovers that we will see in Deadpool and Wolverine.

The upcoming MCU film is set to be a multiversal adventure featuring the titular heroes, and there have been rumors that we will also see several of the cast members from the original Fox X-Men movies show up.

We also know that the Time Variance Authority (TVA) from Loki will also be prominently featured in the film, establishing its connection with the beloved series. As it turns out, that might not be the only MCU reference that we will see.

Kevin Feige Teases More MCU Crossovers in Deadpool and Wolverine

Speaking with The Official Marvel Podcast, Feige opened up about his excitement about Deadpool and Wolverine as it is heading to its release next month.

He teased that the film might feature more MCU crossovers aside from the TVA in Loki.

"Seeing them interact with TVA agents, and people familiar with that organization from Loki season 1 and season 2 is a thrill," the Marvel Studios president said.

"The combination of all those different worlds and all those different flavors, and perhaps even a few more that people won’t know about until they see the movie, is a thrill."

Interestingly, in his recent Instagram post, Ryan Reynolds shared a photo of the Avengers flag with spray paint over it, potentially suggesting that the team may have an appearance in the film.

Ryan Reynolds Avengers flag Instagram post
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Credit: @vancityreynolds Instagram post

Considering the multiversal aspects of the film, it's not surprising that we will be seeing more MCU crossovers and giving us a taste of what the Merc with a Mouth's inclusion in the MCU will look like.

There are a lot of possibilities that they can do on the types of cameos and crossovers that the film is exploring, and based on Feige's tease, fans should anticipate more MCU references beyond the TVA in Loki.

Deadpool and Wolverine is set to arrive in theaters this July 26.

What do you think of Wright's tease on her MCU future? Let us know in the comments!

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