Netflix quietly released a new adult animation series that deals with the end of the world. The main character of Carol & The End of The World is a 42-year-old woman who prefers her mundane life. So when she goes surfing in Carol & The End of The World, this makes us wonder if it was real or just a dream.
Before talking about what we know about this particular episode, we have to warn that this article contains major spoilers. If you haven't watched the show and plan to, it may be best that you leave this page for now and go back to it when you're done with the series.
Who is Carol in Carol & The End of The World?
Before we talk about the particular episode, let's dive further into our main character, Carol Kohl (voiced by Martha Kelly).
Carol Kohl is a 42-year-old woman who enjoys her mundane life. She doesn't have a husband or any kids. And she certainly doesn't have any interest in going on an expensive cruise or spending what's left of her life on illegal drugs or partying.
So when it was announced that the end of the world was in sight, Carol was left with an existential crisis. How do you spend your days when you're simply waiting for the unavoidable doom?
Thankfully, Carol discovers The Distraction office, which leads her to find a connection with her new friends.
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What is the Surfing Episode in Carol & The End of The World?
So let's go back to that particular episode when Carol goes surfing in Carol & The End of The World. This takes place on the ninth episode of the show, entitled Saltwater Lullaby: A Surf Odyssey.
In this episode, viewers are left wondering if Carol really did go surfing or simply dreamed it. This is particularly true since other episodes have been told in an analogy or metaphor.
In the episodes leading up to this, Carol's personality has drastically changed. From the start, she was a timid office worker who did not show any interest in outdoor activities, let alone water sports.
But in this episode, Carol is more confident and adventurous. In addition to surfing, she interacts with other people and inspires mystery novels.
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Does Carol Really Go Surfing in Carol & The End of The World?
So did Carol really change towards the end of the series and did she go surfing?
If you look at it, you'll see a distinction between Regular Carol and Surfer Carol. More importantly, the color of her eyes has changed. Regular Carol has brown eyes while Surfer Carol has green eyes.
Another indication that this was Carol's psyche playing tricks on the viewers of the show is that in the real world, the incoming planet looms in the sky as a constant reminder of the upcoming apocalypse. But in the episode where Carol surfs, viewers see a clear sky with the moon, stars, and other celestial bodies.
This lets us see the difference between the two worlds. This was likely Carol's psyche since she previously lied to her parents about her interest in surfing. So in this episode, her mind is showing the viewers a different version of Carol based on her psyche.
Episode nine of Carol & The End of The World is a self-contained glimpse of what could have been a different Carol.
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