9 Easter Eggs and Callbacks to Look Out for in 'Rings of Power'

Split image of Galadriel and Nori from The Rings of Power
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Split image of Galadriel and Nori from The Rings of Power
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The Rings of Power Season 2 teaser has left fans buzzing with excitement. So, now is the best time to rewatch season 1 and catch a few Easter eggs! Despite the complexity of the storylines in season 1, the production team has meticulously crafted every detail.

These references, while often subtle, enrich the experience for observant fans. So, here are a few Easter eggs and callbacks you may have missed in the first season.

Gandalf Callback in The Rings of Power

Gandalf and the Glamdring
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Credit: New Line Cinema

The finale was packed with groundbreaking moments and delightful Easter eggs. One standout moment seemingly confirms the identity of the Stranger. Fans had speculated about his true nature since his fiery meteor arrival, wondering if he was Gandalf the Grey. What solidifies this theory is what he advises Nori, “when in doubt, Elanor Brandyfoot, always follow your nose.”

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This quote is a nod to Gandalf's line from The Fellowship of the Ring when he guides the Fellowship out of Moria. Although Rings of Power doesn't directly lead into Peter Jackson’s films, this subtle link adds a familiar touch.

Finrod's Scratches in the Rings of Power Prologue

Galadriel’s brother, Finrod (Will Fletcher)
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Easter eggs begin early, with one appearing during the prologue. As Galadriel narrates about her fallen brother Finrod Felagund, viewers see his scarred corpse with a specific mark that Sauron allegedly left. While Sauron's branding isn't canon, it aligns with his dark nature.

In The Silmarillion, Finrod heroically aids Beren and Lúthien's quest for a Silmaril and is ultimately killed by a werewolf under Sauron's orders. This gruesome fate adds depth to Finrod's tragic story.

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Galadriel's Swan-Ships

Galadriel's Swan-Ships
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The show opens with a stunning prologue featuring Galadriel, her brother, and the Elves in Valinor, where Galadriel makes a paper swan boat. This ties to the Teleri, a faction of Elves known for their swan-ships, which the Noldor later commandeered to fight Morgoth.

Galadriel’s swan-ship journey symbolises her enduring connection to her people and their history.

The Battle of Unnumbered Tears and the War of Wrath

Morfydd Clark as the elven queen Galadriel in "The Rings of Power."
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Rings of Power skillfully hints at major events from The Silmarillion despite lacking access to the text. The prologue skims over pivotal battles, such as the War of Wrath, in which Morgoth is defeated, and the Battle of Unnumbered Tears, a tragic conflict marked by immense loss.

Galadriel's sorrowful moment of placing a helmet on a pile evokes the Hill of the Slain, symbolising the heavy toll of these ancient wars.

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The Shepherds of the Trees

Markella Kavenagh in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power
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In the first episode, Marigold Brandyfoot’s speech about the world’s dangers to Nori hints at the Ents, the tree shepherds. Created to protect forests, the Ents' cameo appearance as the meteor streaks overhead further establish their role in the Rings of Power storyline, enriching the show's connection to Tolkien's world.

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Bronwyn's Wise Words

Nazanin Boniadi as Bronwyn from Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power
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Theo asks his mother, Bronwyn, to repeat the comforting words she always used to soothe his nightmares. And what she says echoes the same wisdom as everyone’s favourite hobbit.

“In the end, this shadow is but a small and passing thing. There is light and high beauty forever beyond its reach,” echoes Samwise Gamgee’s words from The Two Towers.

This touching moment connects the series to the profound themes of hope and resilience found in The Lord of the Rings.

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Fëanor's Hammer and Family Tree

Fëanor's Hammer
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Credit: Amazon Prime

When Elrond visits Eregion, he admires a crafting hammer belonging to Fëanor, the legendary Elven craftsman. The subtle hint that Celebrimbor, Fëanor's grandson, possesses the hammer enriches the narrative.

Celebrimbor’s plan to build a powerful forge foreshadows the creation of the Rings of Power, linking the series to the epic saga of Middle-Earth.

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Sauron's Cat Eyes

The eye of Sauron
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Credit: Photo via LOTR Fan Wiki Source: https://lotr.fandom.com/wiki/Main_Page?file=EyeOfSauron.webp License: fair use for promotional, commentary and news purposes
Credit: New Line Cinema

As Sauron reveals his true identity, his eyes take on a feline appearance, a nod to the Eye of Sauron. This transformation reflects Sauron's evolving menace and ties back to Tolkien’s descriptions of the Dark Lord’s piercing gaze.

Interestingly, in Tolkien's earlier versions of his legendarium, the character that Sauron eventually replaced was a giant talking cat named Tevildo. This cat-eye imagery has been associated with Sauron from the beginning and resurfaces in The Rings of Power.

Elendil Hints at His Future

Elendil dying in the Last Alliance of Elves and Men against Sauron
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Credit: New Line Cinema

The final episode of the season offers only a brief glimpse of the Númenóreans. In a quick scene at sea, Míriel and Elendil discuss the difficulties and sacrifices involved in following the ways of The Faithful. He remarks, "We have little choice then but to keep serving. And I, for one, will see to it that we make the end worth the price."

This isn't merely a captain motivating his struggling queen. The dialogue is a nod to Elendil's destiny. As seen at the start of The Lord of the Rings movies, Elendil will rise to become a king, form alliances with Gil-galad, and lead the Men of the West in the Last Alliance against Sauron.

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The Rings of Power season 1 masterfully weaves Easter eggs, lore, and character arcs, leaving fans eagerly anticipating what’s next in season 2, which premieres on August 29, 2024.

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