Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 2 is Now in Full Production

Final Fantasy VII Remake was a huge success and will likely be a Game of the Year contender thanks to its fun battle system, amazing visuals, and how it subverted many of our expectations. Ever since finishing the game, fans have been waiting for any news on the sequel, though all we have seen thus far are just production updates due to the current circumstances affecting the whole world.

Thanks to Famitsu Magazine (via GameFragger), we now know that Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 2, or whatever it ends up being called, has entered full production. This comes from co-director Tetsuya Nomura who said that his development team in Square Enix wants to release this game as soon as possible, much like the fans. We doubt this game will come out this year or the next but an update like this is better than nothing.

"Since we were also able to see the line of quality from the first installment, we hope to make the next installment even better in quality that can make for an even better experience. We would like to get it out as soon as possible, so please wait for it. I think we can clearly convey the direction when we officially announce the next instalment."

If we can make any predictions about Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 2 that we would be confident about, we're sure that characters like Yuffie, Cid, Cait Sith, and Vincent Valentine would have to be introduced. They're all quite iconic, with Cait Sith actually appearing briefly during the first part since he's controlled by someone already in the game. Red XIII will likely be playable in this installment as well.

Will Aerith die though? We'll have to wait and see.

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Credit: Square Enix

Final Fantasy VII Remake is now available on PS4 and will likely get released on other systems next year.

Read: Final Fantasy VII Remake Producer Reveals Why Advent Children Actors Were Not Recast

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