Wind Breaker: 5 Reasons Umemiya Would Always Win Against Choji

wind breaker reasons umemiya would win against choji
Credit: Niisatoru, Kodansha/WIND BREAKER Project

wind breaker reasons umemiya would win against choji
Credit: Niisatoru, Kodansha/WIND BREAKER Project

The one-on-one brawl between Shishitoren and Bofurin is coming to an end as the top dogs finally confront each other. While the audience bet on who would come out stronger, here are the reasons Hajime Umemiya would always win against Choji Tomiyama in Wind Breaker.

The fight between Umemiya and Tomiyama will determine the overall winner of the clash between the two gangs.

The current standings have no bearing on the outcome, which means there is a lot at stake in the final match.

Spoiler Warning: This article includes spoilers for the Wind Breaker series, so proceed with caution.

  1. Umemiya Knows How to Have Fun

    Hajime Umemiya is a fun, carefree, and outgoing guy who resembles Jujutsu Kaisen's Gojo Satoru.

    He always has a smile on his face when he's talking with his friends, especially when he comes up with stupid jokes that can make anyone laugh or cringe.

    Unlike Choji, who cannot have fun without punching someone in the face, Umemiya discovers new ways to have fun with others.

    He makes plans and arrangements with his friends and even the shopping streets' residents to hang out as if he's planning to run for office.

    Umemiya also invests in hobbies such as gardening, and using Bofurin's rooftop for his vegetation. It makes him smile most of the time, which keeps his sanity intact despite being the strongest in Bofurin.

  2. Umemiya Relies on His Friends

    Past Choji had a large circle of friends, including his seniors, who would always hang out with him when they had a fight to win.

    However, as soon as they left the picture, Choji lost interest in establishing new friends, even discarding Togame Jo in the process, due to his desire to grow stronger and feel genuine independence and happiness.

    On the contrary, Umemiya has a very close and tight bond with his friends, regardless of their year in Bofurin.

    He knows everyone's names because he treats them like family, and he takes the time to understand them when something goes wrong.

    With this, Umemiya does not need to do everything on his own since he knows too well that his friends are there to carry him as well.

  3. Umemiya Protects the Weak

    Shishitoren's creed has placed great importance on a person's strength since Tomiyama rose to prominence. He recruits powerful individuals with Togame, believing that Shishitoren requires the strong more than anything else.

    This creed inspired all Shishitoren members to disdain the weak and anyone who harmed their reputation. Choji even believes that the weak have no place in Shishitoren and should not be protected.

    Umemiya, on the other hand, respects the weak because he understands how difficult it is to be in their position.

    He prioritizes the vulnerable over the strong, as demonstrated by his genuine concern for the shopping district and the rest of Bofurin's members.

    Instead of pushing the weak out of his turf, Umemiya would embrace them with open arms.

  4. Umemiya Has Bofurin's Full Support

    A lot of the members of Shishitoren admire Choji for his playful attitude and unconventional fighting style.

    No one dares to oppose or disobey him, including Togame, who is frightened of destroying his utopia with Choji at the center of it.

    While it looks like Shishitoren's members support their leader, they only admire him because of his strength. They don't look beyond Choji's combat prowess at all.

    In reality, Choji is an empty shell who can't feel anything. He is completely in the dark, waiting for someone to light the way and save him, but no one's there to pull him back.

    Meanwhile, Bofurin has all-out support for Umemiya, which they show in different ways. They trust his actions, decisions, and even his words as if he can't do anything wrong as Bofurin's leader.

  5. Umemiya Is Simply Stronger than Choji

    If you're reading the Wind Breaker manga, you will easily notice how superior Umemiya is to Choji in terms of combat prowess and wit. They may have different fighting styles, but Umemiya clearly has the advantage.

    While Choji is jumping around, bouncing back and forth to punch and kick Umemiya, the latter is willing to take everything without defending himself.

    Umemiya's endurance is something else, even though Choji's attacks don't have the same power as they did in the past.

    Besides, it only took Umemiya a single headbutt to knock some sense into Choji, who was losing himself.

So, do you think Umemiya would always win against Choji in Wind Breaker?

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