Top 10 Hyped Wind Breaker Scenes Manga Fans Want to See in the Anime

wind breaker manga scenes fans want to see in the anime sakura
Credit: Nii Satoru, Kodansha/WIND BREAKER Project

wind breaker manga scenes fans want to see in the anime sakura
Credit: Nii Satoru, Kodansha/WIND BREAKER Project

The first season of Wind Breaker will only have 13 episodes, which means there will be a lot of moments in the manga that will not be adapted. From Bofurin's assembly to Sakura getting a cold after fighting with a street gang, here are 10 Wind Breaker manga scenes fans want to see in the anime.

The Wind Breaker manga is far ahead of the anime, but the following scenes on our list will surely hype you up and perhaps encourage you to pick up the delinquent manga series.

Spoiler Warning: This article includes spoilers for the Wind Breaker manga, so proceed with caution.

  1. Bofurin vs Keel

    Following the one-on-one brawl with Shishitoren, Sakura and his class get into a massive fight with the members of Keel, a ruthless small-scale gang whose members pick on Nagato, Anzai's close friend.

    Sakura and the first years will barge into Keel's headquarters in the hopes of taking Nagato back, but they will be outnumbered.

    It's a massive fight that will make Sakura think about his decisions as the captain of the first year.

    Not to mention, Kaji and some of the second-year students will arrive as the first-year's reinforcements.

  2. Bofurin's Grand Assembly

    At some point in the manga, Hajime Umemiya has the brightest idea to assemble the entire student body of Bofurin High to let the first years know about each other, who they need to follow based on the hierarchy and to present the new captains of the first grade.

    In addition to this, some of the four heavenly kings are present in the assembly, resulting in Nirei being in high spirits.

    Haruka, on the other hand, feels so much pressure from all the new things that are happening to him.

    It'll surely be a fun episode where viewers can take a closer look at the strongest fighters in Bofurin High.

  3. Hajime Umemiya's Tragic Past

    This list would not be complete without Hajime Umemiya's tragic backstory, which will likely be shown in the later seasons of the anime.

    After all, it's still early to tell his back story at this point in the anime because the events are still building Sakura's character.

    Despite Hajime Umemiya's outgoing and carefree personality, which resembles that of Jujutsu Kaisen's Gojo Satoru, he has a painful past that left him scarred for years before someone enlightened him to move on and keep looking forward to the future.

  4. Sakura Becomes a First Grade Captain

    Before the assembly, Sakura's class decided on their captain.

    While Sakura doesn't want to have a heavy responsibility on his shoulders, Nirei and Suo decide to vote for him, which encourages the class to also vote for him.

    Sakura panicked and freaked out at first, but Nirei and Suo assured him that they would help him out.

    The rest of the first year is also willing to follow him, considering his achievements so far in the series.

    As Sakura becomes the captain, he will struggle with the things he must do, which will affect his character development.

  5. Sakura Catches a Cold

    Sakura may be a skilled fighter, but he can still catch a cold. After the fight with Keel, Sakura's body weakened, likely because of the injuries he sustained as well as the mental pressure he continues to experience as a first-grade captain.

    Nirei, Suo, and the rest of the first years will be worried about Sakura, and they will all wish him well, buying medicines and groceries for him before visiting him in his rundown apartment.

    In addition, Kotoha will also arrive to take a look at Sakura, resulting in an embarrassing but enlightening experience.

  6. Tsugeura and Mitsuki Become Friends with Sakura

    Tsugeura and Mitsuki are two of the strongest first-year students in Sakura's class.

    They have different personalities, but thankfully, they also look up to Sakura because of his combat prowess, bold personality, and peculiarity.

    Following an encounter with a gang coming after Mitsuki, Sakura gained new friends and comrades.

    It's not only Tsugeura who decided to follow Sakura but also Mitsuki, who surprisingly asked for Sakura's contact number.

    Funny, Sakura's name on Mitsuki's phone is weather, because the latter is only planning to contact the former about the day's weather.

  7. Nirei's Improvement

    Nirei has always wanted to fight alongside his friends in the series. The problem is that he gets scared in front of his opponents, making him one of the weakest links in Sakura's class.

    It bothered Nirei, so he took it upon himself to ask Suo to teach him how to fight.

    On the contrary, Suo wants to teach Nirei how to protect himself first. They held a secret training session together and the results amazed Suo.

    During their trip to the red-light district, Nirei was able to defend not only himself but also an innocent girl trying to run away from a group of thugs.

  8. Sakura Meets Tsubaki

    Hajime Umemiya welcomes all the students to his rooftop garden at Bofurin High.

    The students take an interest in his vegetation, including the first years, who are fascinated with how Hajime's mind works.

    That's when Tsubaki, one of Bofurin's generals, will appear, along with the Sakaki twins, who are his second-in-command.

    Tsubaki will then take a liking to Sakura not only because of his rare features but also because of his personality.

  9. The First Years' Get-Together Party

    Sakura's class decided to have a get-together party at Kotoha's restaurant to get to know each other and cheer their captain up.

    Since Sakura blames himself for the incident with Keel, the first years want to make him realize that he's not in the wrong.

    To foster camaraderie among themselves, the first years decided to hang out, sit at a table, and eat together.

    They also decided to introduce themselves and share their likes and dislikes.

    Of course, Hajime wanted to join the fun, but Hiiragi was there to stop him.

  10. Sakura and Kaji's Joint Patrol

    Ren Kaji is a second-year captain who's also in charge of Sakura's class. He looks like he's not interested in the position at all, which bothers Sakura, but there's more to him than meets the eye.

    During one of their joint patrols, Sakura learned how Ren is worthy of his position. He orders people around, but that doesn't mean he's a lazy captain.

    Instead, Ren relies on his friends and is doing the best he can to lead everyone, which Sakura should also learn and apply to his class.

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