Quintessential Quintuplets Season 3 will be a delight to all the fans and viewers of the romance comedy anime series following the story of Futaro Uesugi and the Nakano quintuplets, Ichika, Nino, Miku, Yotsuba, and Itsuki, in their pursuit to improve their academic performance while fighting over the affection of their private tutor.
The stepfather of the quintuplets, Maruo Nakano, takes on the mantle of being the father of the quintuplets after they lost their mother. Given that the mother of the quintuplets was a teacher, he aims to provide good education to the quintuplets. However, the quintuplets are interested in almost everything which floats their both except for one thing – studying.
Because of this, he approached his former classmate, Isanari Uesugi, to seek help from his academically gifted child, Futaro, to be the private tutor of the quintuplets in exchange for a hefty amount. Over the years and after the death of Futaro's mother, Isanari has been debt-ridden putting their family in a difficult position in life.
Futaro takes on the challenge and he's up on a wild ride as the quintuplets are quite hard to push when it comes to studying. At first, they didn't accept Futaro, treating him as a stranger in their apartment, but through the tenacity and grit of Futaro, the quintuplets slowly accepted him and his help in their studies. Over the series, Futaro built on special relationships with each of the quintuplets.
Throughout the anime series, it has been teased that Futaro will be marrying a Nakano quintuplet sometime in the future. His inspiration to study has been the same over the years: a girl he met in Kyoto and he keeps their photo in his student handbook. The girl who has inspired Futaro turns out to be one of the quintuplets.
The Quintessential Quintuplets is based on the Japanese shōnen manga of the same name written and illustrated by Negi Haruba which recently concluded after the release of the 14th tankōbon volume. It was published in Kodansha's Weekly Shōnen Magazine and released in English under Kodansha USA.
The Quintessential Quintuplets ∬ (two signifying that the season is in its second season) were taken over by a new production company, Bibury Animation Studios, after the first season was under Tezuka Productions. It has lined up 12 episodes for the second season and can be streamed online via Funimation and Crunchyroll.
To date, the identity of the bride of Futaro has yet to be revealed and it seems that the remaining episodes of season 2 will not be enough to cover it, or else, it would be a pretty quick ending of the show.
Great news for the fans and viewers of the show as it was just announced by the official Twitter page of The Quintessential Quintuplets that there is more to come and that another sequel will be produced.
If so, it will be The Quintessential Quintuplets ∭ (with a triple integral symbol signifying it's the third) and after the 12th episode of season 2 aired, the announcement was dropped online along with a short visual of what will be happening.
As mentioned earlier, it would be too early to drop who the bride would be in Season 2. Also, it is not far that having Season 3 will be a reality anytime soon. And now, it is happening! With the consistent ratings of the anime series and the positive reviews it is receiving, it is no surprise that there would be a third season.
The Quintessential Quintuplets ∬ airs weekly on both Funimation and Crunchyroll every Friday at 1:28 AM JST/ 11:28 EST.
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