With 'The Book of Boba Fett' just a matter of weeks away, fans are pulling their hair out wondering which other 'Star Wars' characters will inevitably appear in the show. But will Omega be one of them?

Omega is relatively new to the 'Star Wars' universe, having only been introduced earlier this year in animated show 'Star Wars: The Bad Batch'. But it's fair to say she's become an instant hit with fans. In the show, she's introduced as a young female clone, and assistant to Kaminoan scientist Nala Se.
As the show picks up where 'Star Wars: The Clone Wars' ends, which is during the Great Purge - more commonly known as Order 66 - our titular team are working for the Grand Army of the Republic. Unbeknownst to them, the Republic has been transformed into a new Galactic Empire.
Of course, it doesn't take long for Echo, Tech, Wrecker, Crosshair and Hunter to figure this out, especially when they're tasked with executing any Jedi on sight. And it becomes increasingly clear that the Empire means no good - that it's a dictatorship hellbent on ruling the galaxy.

As the team makes preparations to flee their home in the cloning facilities on Kamino, having noticed that all the other clones have 'changed' in both their behavior and beliefs, Crosshair proves that he remains as loyal as ever to the Republic - or the Empire.
When the Bad Batch (or 'Clone Force 99') are tasked by Grand Admiral Tarkin to execute civilians on Felucia, they decide to flee the galaxy. Omega - whom by this point has already been briefly acquainted with the team - asks to join them, but Bad Batch leader Hunter refuses.
Soon, the team - now one short, with Crosshair having decided to stay with the Empire on Kamino - decide to go back and rescue Omega. After an explosive encounter with their former comrade, Hunter and the others manage to rescue the girl and waste no time in taking her off-world.

With a young girl under their watch, Clone Force 99 is now on the run, with Crosshair in pursuit. And the galaxy is a new world, now that the Empire is everywhere. As the series goes, the team takes on various underworld jobs and tries to remain undetected.
We also discover a shocking revelation about Omega in the process, in that she's a direct clone of original source-clone Jango Fett, which technically makes her the sister to Boba Fett, who is actually referred to as 'Alpha' by his father Jango in 'Attack of the Clones'.
This makes her extremely valuable in the eyes of the Kaminoans and the Empire. When the show wraps, we see Nala Se being escorted by the Empire to a new facility where they have "plans" for her, though it's likely this will have very little to do with 'The Bad Batch' Season 2.

And while the second season probably won't have anything to do with the upcoming live-action show 'The Book of Boba Fett', either, having the bounty hunter appear in the show in some shape or form shouldn't be ruled out, as he is active during this time (though around Omega's age).
But whether or not he will appear in the show remains to be seen, and with no release date it will be a while before we find out. However, now that 'The Book of Boba Fett' is only weeks away, we think it's fun to speculate as to whether Omega is set to make her first live-action appearance.
First of all, we need to address the fact that the Boba Fett spin-off show is set 28 years after 'The Bad Batch', at around the same time as 'The Mandalorian' (though it's likely it will take place before 'The Mandalorian' Season 3, which is yet to be given its 2022 release date).

This means that Omega will of course need 28 years adding on in age - not that this is impossible, but not only would we be seeing a live-action Omega, but also a much older one.
While the idea of seeing the character in the show might feel a little distracting, and perhaps a bit premature, as the show is rumored to be a 'limited series' (though not confirmed), then it's even more difficult to say whether she'll show up or not.
If it is limited, the show might wish to remain entirely Boba-focused. Or maybe for that reason, it will waste no time in bringing in his clone-sister. If she is due to show up, though, it might feel like a bit of a spoiler for 'The Bad Batch', seeing as the two shows are decades apart.

On the other hand, we like to think that nothing will happen to Omega as 'The Bad Batch' continues. But then who knows how much life the show even has in it. Its predecessor 'Star Wars: The Clone Wars' ran for seven long seasons, so it's possible the animated show is here to stay.
Nevertheless, we think we'd much rather see her show up in live-action and have a bit of a spoiler in the process, than not see her show up at all! After all, she's Boba Fett's sister of all people! While the two have never met, it's a reunion waiting to happen.
'The Book of Boba Fett' will focus on the titular bounty hunter as he "makes his way through the galaxy", alongside Fennec Shand. After taking over Jabba the Hutt's throne on Tatooine, Fett promises to "rule with respect" and not fear like his grotesque predecessor.

Related: Will There Be a Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett Crossover?
It's possible that Omega is living in the criminal underworld, or maybe she's simply looking for her brother and has been this whole time. He's a pretty elusive character, after all. Not only that, but the galaxy is a pretty big place, to say the least.
If Omega can show up, then which others characters could appear in the show? Maybe Clone Force 99 can too (although that would be a pretty huge spoiler). While you wait for 'The Book of Boba Fett' to start streaming on December 29 on Disney+, check out the documentary 'Under the Helmet: The Legacy of Boba Fett', which was announced on Disney Plus Day.