Why Is Kafka So Strong in Kaiju No 8? Fan Theories and Speculations Explored

why is kafka so strong kaiju no 8
Credit: Production I.G

why is kafka so strong kaiju no 8
Credit: Production I.G

Since turning into a kaiju, Kafka Hibino has found a new way to fight with the Anti-Kaiju Defense Force. He can fight and defeat kaiju in ways unimaginable, but why is Kafka so strong in Kaiju No. 8? Here are some theories and predictions.

Spoiler Warning: This article includes spoilers for Kaiju No. 8, so proceed with caution.

Kafka Kills a Kaiju with One Punch in Kaiju No. 8 Episode Two

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Credit: Production I.G

In episode two of Kaiju No. 8, Kafka Hibino showed what it's like to be a kaiju after an unidentified flying kaiju (also known as Little Kaiju No. 8) transformed him into one of the monsters he wants to exterminate the most in the world.

Before leaving the hospital, Kafka was unable to control his newfound strength. He not only smashed the hospital's walls and windows, but he also jumped out of the building without breaking a sweat.

Kafka, like most kaiju, possesses enhanced abilities and reflexes. His strength is comparable, if not greater, than that of most kaiju in the series, making him a significant menace to humanity if he goes berserk.

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Credit: Production I.G

Along the way, Kafka and Ichikawa encounter a mother and daughter who are in danger.

A spider-like kaiju was about to devour the mother and daughter, but Ichikawa and Kafka arrived to save them before the third division could intervene.

Since Kafka has yet to understand his strength, he decides to put all of his power into a single punch to kill the kaiju. He happily succeeded like Saitama from One Punch Man, killing the kaiju with one explosive punch.

With this, many are wondering why Kafka has become so powerful so quickly.

Does it have something to do with the flying kaiju? Here are some theories.

ALSO READ: Who Knows Kafka Is Kaiju No. 8? Will His Identity Get Revealed?

So, Why Is Kafka So Strong in Kaiju No. 8? Theories and Predictions Explored

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Credit: Production I.G

The Kaiju No. 8 anime has only just begun, but manga readers have their theories as to why Kafka is so strong.

According to one idea, the flying kaiju that invaded Kafka's body was most likely created by humans, setting it apart from others of its kind.

The flying kaiju may have evolved and developed special abilities as a result of long-term experimentation.

Others believe the flying kaiju is comparable to the spine-like creature that created Ymir in Attack on Titan. If this is the case, the flying kaiju is an alien species, which could explain its incredible strength.

Meanwhile, some speculate Kafka is half-kaiju, half-human from the start. Now that the kaiju has taken him as its host, his dormant skills have possibly been reawakened.

Why do you think Kafka is so strong in Kaiju No. 8? Share your theories in the comments below, and follow us on Facebook for all the latest anime news!