Who Was Rishe Irmgard Weitzner in Her Past Lives in 7th Time Loop?

rishe past lives 7th time loop
Credit: Studio Kai, HORNETS

rishe past lives 7th time loop
Credit: Studio Kai, HORNETS

As its title implies, 7th Time Loop sees its main character on a seventh life. Even though this latest one is interesting, many are curious about Rishe and her past lives in 7th Time Loop.

The series’ story doesn’t exactly focus on Rishe’s past lives, but the previous six loops are significant to the story. That’s because Rishe will be able to use the skills she gained there in her current loop.

Spoiler Warning: There are spoilers for the 7th Time Loop anime and light novel in this article.

Rishe’s Current Life in 7th Time Loop

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Credit: Studio Kai, HORNETS

7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy! is a new anime by Studio Kai (of Uma Musume Pretty Derby fame) that’s based on an ongoing light novel series of the same name.

The series follows Rishe Irmgard Weitzner who has found herself stuck in a time loop. All loops begin when her engagement with the crown prince of her kingdom is annulled, and after five years, she ends up dying.

Now on her seventh loop, Rishe catches the attention of Prince Arnold of the neighboring Galkhein Kingdom.

Despite Prince Arnold being the cause of her death (both directly and indirectly) in her past lives, Rishe accepts his proposal, vowing instead to take advantage of the situation and live a lazy life.

Of course, her plans don’t go smoothly as she soon wonders why Prince Arnold becomes the villain that he is in previous loops.

The anime currently focuses on her latest loop, but the 7th Time Loop light novels have revealed details about Rishe in her past lives.

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Rishe Irmgard Weitzner’s Past Lives in 7th Time Loop

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Credit: Studio Kai, HORNETS

Technically, Rishe is still herself in her past lives, though the key difference is that she takes up a different job in each life, meaning she has acquired a treasure trove of skills.

Rishe’s first life sees her becoming a merchant after her betrothal to the crown prince. There, she learns the trade through Kaine Tully of the Aria Trading Company, though she soon dies as the war reaches her hometown.

Her second life sees her become an apothecary, and she soon works for the crown prince Kyle of Coyolle. Again, she dies in this loop due to the war brought about by Prince Arnold.

7th time loop rishe irmgard weitzner
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Credit: Studio Kai, HORNETS

The third time loop sees Rishe become an alchemist, while the fourth loop sees her become a maid. Then, she becomes a hunter in her fifth loop. All three loops again see her dying due to the war.

Her sixth life sees Rishe as a Knight who is shown defending a castle against the Kingdom of Hein, though she dies directly at the hands of Arnold Hein.

Finally, Rishe awakens in her seventh time loop where the anime and the light novel are currently in.

You’ll see more of Rishe’s current life in the 7th Time Loop anime, which gets new episodes weekly on Crunchyroll.

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