Metallic Rouge is a sci-fi, action, and mecha anime produced by studio Bones. It explores the story of the Nean android Rouge and her partner Naomi as they hunt down every single member of the Immortal Nine.
Spoiler Warning: This article contains spoilers from the Metallic Rouge series.
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What’s the Deal Behind the Immortal Nine in Metallic Rouge?
In Metallic Rouge, the Immortal Nine, also known as the Nine Protoneans, are a group of non-standard androids (Neans) that are hostile to the government and society.
While standard Neans have the Asimov code programmed into them, which keeps them from defying humans, the Immortal Nine can transform into gladiators and fight.
The Immortal Nine were created by Roy Yunghart, a famous scientist, with the technology passed on to him by aliens (visitors). A biophysicist named Eva Cristella also helped complete the protonean project.
Interestingly, Roy Yunghart is also the father of Jean Yunghart, who orders Rouge and Naomi to kill the Immortal Nine.
Who Are the Known Members of the Immortal Nine in Metallic Rouge (So Far)?
Let’s take a closer look at the known members (so far) of the Immortal Nine in Metallic Rouge to get to know them:
Sarah Fitzgerald
Sarah Fitzgerald is Immortal Nine’s Viola Keane, popularly known as Purgatory Viola. She uses ion acceleration on her arms, and she is equipped with high-frequency blades when in gladiator form.
In the first episode of Metallic Rouge, Sarah has been working as a diva singer at Club Canal. She loves performing on stage, and her beauty attracts some of the biggest executives, including Herman Heyward of Panacea.
Jaron Fate
Jaron Fate, also known as Giallon Hell, was also introduced in the first episode of Metallic Rouge. He attacked a smuggled truck full of Nectar shots for his own gain.
Jaron is also a member of Alter (Altar), an organization of Nean androids that want to take down human society.
By far, Jaron is the most cunning member of the Immortal Nine who will prioritize his pleasure and enjoyment over the organization’s beliefs.
Jaron can transform into his yellow gladiator form, and it was revealed that he can mimic the appearance of others, including Rouge’s red gladiator.
Graufon Berg
Not much is known about Graufon Berg since he has yet to appear in the anime. But he is Jaron’s fellow member at Alter, who has sworn absolute loyalty toward its leader.
Graufon is characterized by his knight-like demeanor and old-fashioned tone. He likes fair battles, and his gladiator form is gray.
According to the official website of Metallic Rouge, Graufon is an Immortal Nine member who can manipulate gravity.
Who Are the Other Possible Members of the Immortal Nine in Metallic Rouge?
It was revealed that Metal Rouge had already killed two other members of Alter, who we believe are also part of the Immortal Nine.
Jaron revealed that the casualties were Nius and Achillus, but so far, nothing has been confirmed.
Since Metallic Rouge is an original anime, it is difficult to determine and/or predict the other members of the Immortal Nine.
Fans will have to wait and look forward to the anime’s succeeding episodes to learn more about Immortal Nine’s remaining members.
Who knows, maybe Rouge is also an Immortal Nine member? If so, that will be an interesting plot twist!
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