The 61st animated film of Walt Disney Animation Studios will be an adventure to Avalonia in Strange World, while it is not advertised as much which caused to stir some controversy, check out when is the release date of the upcoming movie on Disney Plus!
When Is The Release of Strange World on Disney Plus?
Strange World is an upcoming Disney Plus animated movie that will be releasing on the streaming platform on December 23, 2022! It premiered at the El Capitan Theatre last November 15, and it stirred quite a controversy online because of its lack of advertisement compared to other Disney plus films.
The animated film Strange World is directed by Don Hall, written by Qui Nguyen, produced by Roy Conli, with the music of Henry Jackman.
Strange World will follow a legendary family of explorers who found some differences between themselves but they are getting into a journey to Avalonia, a mysterious planet where surreal lifeforms live, and three generations of explorers will be diving deep into the unknown.
Inspired from popular fiction of the 20th century and paid homage to King Kong and Journey to the Center of the Earth, the movie is also influenced by Aladdin in its set design for Avalonia.
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Strange World will mainly feature Searcher Clade, a farmer, who will be taking his first exploration in the uncharted planet of Avalonia. He will be joined by his gay son, Ethan, and his father, Jaeger.
Strange World features the voice of Jake Gyllenhaal as Searcher Clade, Dennis Quaid as Jaeger Clade, Jaboukie Young-White as Ethan Clade, Gabrielle Union as Meridian Clade, and Lucy Liu as Callisto Mal.
Strange World stirred quite a controversy online for lacking the advertisement compared to other Disney Plus movies and it features an LGBTQ+ romance with Ethan Clade who is the gay son of Searcher and he goes to the adventure to navigate a school crush.
Strange World releases on Disney Plus on December 23, 2022.