Fruits Basket is one of the most beloved shoujo anime and manga. But what does "fruits basket" mean? Find out more about the series' title below!
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Fruits Basket: A Heartwarming Tale About Overcoming Trauma
Fruits Basket is a popular manga that was written and illustrated by Natsuki Takaya.
It follows the story of Tohru Honda, an orphan who ends up homeless after a misunderstanding with her extended family.
She's taken in by her classmate, Yuki Sohma, and his older cousin, Shigure. Soon, they're joined by Kyo, another cousin.
During a fight between bitter rivals Yuki and Kyo, Tohru finds that the members of the Sohma family are possessed by the animals of the Chinese zodiac circle.

When they are hugged by someone from the opposite sex and whenever they are stressed or weak, they transform into their respective Chinese zodiac counterpart.
As Tohru gets to know the Sohma family better, she realizes that most of them have experienced bullying and emotional abuse in their childhood, just like her.
All have grievances against Akito, the oppressive head of the family, but struggle to break free.
Among them, Tohru finds opportunities for happiness and healing ā if she and her new friends can flee Akito's rage.
What Is the Meaning Behind Fruits Basket?

The meaning of Fruits Basket might be found in a story Tohru narrates about a game from her childhood.
In one of Tohruās flashbacks, a game called "Fruits Basket" is mentioned.
While the game never occurs in the narrative present, it appears that there is a connection between the game and Tohruās incident with the Sohma family.
In Tohruās flashback, it's explained that each of the children playing the game was assigned the name of a fruit.
Her classmates, however, gave her the name "onigiri" (rice ball). At first, Tohru was delighted, as the different nickname made her feel special.
Soon, however, the name took sinister proportions.
ALSO READ: Are the Manga and the Anime the Same in Fruits Basket?
How Is Fruits Basket Played?

The game "Fruits Basket" has different variations. In its most common one, all children sit on chairs, apart from one, who remains standing in the center.
The standing child must shout the name of a fruit. All children who have been assigned that fruit are called to stand up and try to find another seat as quickly as possible.
One child is left standing, and they stay in the center calling another fruit's name.
Soon, Tohru finds out that her classmates named her "onigiri" as a cruel way to tell her that they aren't playing with her, as onigiri isn't a fruit.
The Deeper Meaning Behind Fruits Basket's Title

Being bullied and left out had a huge impact on Tohru and contributed to her trauma.
She was outcasted and ignored for much of her childhood, which is why she is very thankful for her two friends and the Sohmas who took her in.
Tohru knows how it feels to be left out, so she makes sure that no one experiences it. After meeting the Sohma family, she no longer feels alone.
The Sohma family makes her feel accepted, which she never felt when she was young and playing "Fruits Basket" with her classmates. Many of the Sohmas and other characters are outcasts, too.
Tohru's friend, Saki, was shunned for her sensitivity and gothic tendencies. Yuki was abused by Akito, with his family turning a blind eye, while Momiji is forced to live apart from his birth family.

Kyo, Tohru's love interest, is perhaps the biggest outcast of all. As the cat of the zodiac circle, he is condemned to the role of a scapegoat.
But none of these characters passively accept their outcast roles. While it's extremely hard at first, they keep reaching out and making connections with others who are willing to see them for who they are.
They struggle, help each other heal, and bring themselves to walk away from their abusers and experience family-like acceptance elsewhere.
At its heart, Fruits Basket is about characters who don't fit in the "Fruits Basket" of their world, so they create their own.
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