Transformers: The Last Knight Shows Michael Bay’s Love For Explosions

In the time of CG and green screens, the likes of Michael Bay are almost a rarity. Imagine so any explosives in just one movie—but the catch is that they're not the easy-to-make ones. If the behind-the-scenes sets of the Transformers saga is anything to go by, Bay is the explosives guy who would never sacrifice handwork on practical effects to get what he wants.

EW caught up with Laura Haddock, who appears in Transformers: The Last Knight. Here Haddock reveals just how much of a practical effects guy Bay is.

"He loves an explosion. He absolutely loves them, so if he can use them safely, he will. Often you're running through what feels like a genuine… battlefield. Something that kind of builds your adrenaline. You absolutely experience what it feels like to have an explosion go off just behind you. And you're just running, running for your life."

It seems that Bay's interest in giving good scene has risks that go beyond hard work for the production, if the cast even feel the kind of adrenaline rush that you get from doing something extreme.

To prove the point further, Haddock recalls that one moment when they were on location and Bay saw the next site that would be included in their shot: the Stonehenge.

"I mean the man took a whole crew and cast and unit to Stonehenge and then by the time he had made it down the road, built another Stonehenge just so he could blow it up."

Funnily enough, that replica Stonehenge wouldn't have come to life if they weren't—get this—prohibited from explode the original one.

Passion and dedication comes in a lot of forms and ways, and I guess Michael Bay's definition is to keep sticking to his guns. Or in his case, explosives.

Transformers: The Last Knight will be out in theaters on June 23.

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